Whats your worst battle? I mean long ones. Give me as many details of your worst battle as you can.
Sorry for posting a new topic but it takes my computer to long to load.
Whats your worst battle? I mean long ones. Give me as many details of your worst battle as you can.
Sorry for posting a new topic but it takes my computer to long to load.
Originally posted by pooper:
Sorry for posting a new topic but it takes my computer to long to load.
Er, what does that have to do with anything? Your number of new topics is rather high, but not to a serious degree of being a problem, but if you're creating new topics just because your computer is slow, then we have a problem.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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<Yawn>, if you really want to know, it's when I accepted the alien missions and then bought a shuttlecraft ( after copying my pilot file)
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(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)
You're a nosy little bugger.
My longest battle was against the Voinian Dreadnought. I was taking the crew of one challenge. I was in a Krait.
Insanity has its advantages
Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**You're a nosy little bugger.
My longest battle was against the Voinian Dreadnought. I was taking the crew of one challenge. I was in a Krait.
Did you win?
pooper: My longest battle is when I got stuck in the crossfire of a rebel/'fed cruiser and decided to shoot back. I was in a rapier at the time and had to first wait for the rebel cruiser to die, so the 'fed cruiser was about 1% sheilds, and then I had to blast away with proton cannons, (I was out of secondarys) until it finally destroyed it.
That wedge of cheese
can't hurt anyone! So
don't dread it - it even
says not to
(This message has been edited by disco (edited 10-19-2002).)
Pooper, I really am getting tiresome of these topics. Half of them have been locked or moved because it is irrelevant and the rest is about whatΒs your **** ****?
When playing paintball. Hit someone in the same place for maximum pain.
Sorry but I don't need help with the game. I'll try to put up less topics but I havn't had any new topics that were locked. Have you read the locked ones? None of the newer ones were locked because of spam.
Originally posted by disco:
**Did you win?
Maybe... if you really want to know search the EVO board for crew of one challenge.
Insanity has its advantages
My worst battle was when the enemy ship failed to die within seven seconds of the initial attack.
If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
Taking on the Confederate Naval Base in EVGE in an unescorted lightning. Dodging missiles for two and a half hours is not my idea of fun.
0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...
Originally posted by AJ:
**Taking on the Confederate Naval Base in EVGE in an unescorted lightning. Dodging missiles for two and a half hours is not my idea of fun.
sheesh. I always have a condor by then.
Insanity has its advantages
In EV, the final hunter mission, heaps 'o kestrels and corvettes, onto me, heaps 'o kestrels as escorts. 25 min battle.
"To err is human, to blame someone else is politics"
Bottom of Ginger Meggs comic
Ya, how do you kill the aliens, they always kill me fast?
Originally posted by Tripod-X:
**Ya, how do you kill the aliens, they always kill me fast?
get a fast ship with lots of weapons. Stay behind the alien cruiser and ignor the fighters. I found a Kestrel to work very well.
Insanity has its advantages
Or quite simply, get a Tractor Beam. Then max out on the best main weapons there are.
Douglas Adams, "I love deadlines. I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."
(This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 10-23-2002).)
or even more simply, get a Forklift.
Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum
(quote)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**My worst battle was when the enemy ship failed to die within seven seconds of the initial attack.:p
luck is beating the odds, bad luck is when they are the odds of having something bad happen to you.
Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**sheesh. I always have a condor by then.
So what? That damn naval base stocks hundreds of times more missiles and torpedoes than are necessary to turn your Condor into space junk.
The only way to defeat it I ever found was to get long-range primaries like plasma cannons, then fly in circles for about half an hour until it FINALLY runs out of torps and missiles, then sit just outside it's turret range but inside your cannon range, hit autopilot and hold down primary fire. EVENTUALLY it dies.
God I hate that battle.
(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
There is no honour without pie
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Originally posted by Mazca:
**So what? That damn naval base stocks hundreds of times more missiles and torpedoes than are necessary to turn your Condor into space junk.
The only way to defeat it I ever found was to get long-range primaries like plasma cannons, then fly in circles for about half an hour until it FINALLY runs out of torps and missiles, then sit just outside it's turret range but inside your cannon range, hit autopilot and hold down primary fire. EVENTUALLY it dies.
God I hate that battle.
I've never had a problem with it. Never takes me more than 15 mins. I move in close enough so it thinks im too close for torps or missiles but far enough away to make primaries too short range. 20 TW beam cannons help too.
Insanity has its advantages