Where can I find a place that will sell proton cannons, and a place that will buy my lightning bay? Thanks!
Where can I find a place that will sell proton cannons, and a place that will buy my lightning bay? Thanks!
Just Land on Stardock Alpha. You cant buy or sell a lightning bay
Hamster Dance---http://www.hampsterdance2.com/intro.html
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Lightnings are sold on Stardock Alpha, but Lightning bays cannot be sold. They only come with a Kestrel. Besides, why would anybody want to sell a Lightning bay? As for proton cannons, Palshife and Spica sell them, as I recall.
Lit Nerd
"...I fled, and cried out Death!
Hell trembled at the hideous name, and sighed
From all her caves, and back resounded Death!"
John Milton, "Paradise Lost"
GASP* YOU CAN'T SELL LIGHTNING BAYS? :frown: I wanted to sell them to make some room for other weapons, as they are useless against the Alien Fighters and I'm trying to take on the Alien Cruiser right now. Sigh.
Edit the data so you can sell them. Quite simple.
2100 posts as of 09.24.02, 5:22 PM (8:22 ASW time).
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Pie is good.(/url)
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Have no idea how to edit data, or where to begin, plus I'm running a Mac emulator and I'm not sure how it would work if I tried.
Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**Have no idea how to edit data, or where to begin, plus I'm running a Mac emulator and I'm not sure how it would work if I tried.
First you go to the addons page and get Mega Cheater. Then you go anywhere that has a outfitter and you can sell your bay and get manta or PT bays! Oh yea... THEY ARE FREE!!
Hamster Dance---http://www.hampsterdance2.com/intro.html
(url="http://"http://www.voy.com/111547/")Join My Board (/url)
I hate cheating, but it doesn't matter anymore, I got a Rebel Cruiser.
Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**I hate cheating...
That's the spirit. It shows just how much cooler you are because you can stand up to the rigors of the wonderful experience of playing EV without cheating or hacking.
Though it is possible to use ResEdit under emulation; I've been working on plug-ins (well, more like dabbling with) ever since my Mac died and I discovered Basilisk.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"http://cs.paching.com/")http://cs.paching.com/(/url)
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Auuhhhuhhuhhuhh......aaaaalrighty then........
Cough* Sorry. Firebird, could you maybe point me in the direction of where I could get a copy of Firebird and maybe get a tutorial on using or something? I supposed I could always just search.....
All you have to do to edit it (which is more efficent than downloading) is open the data file with ResEdit and open the spöb resource and double click on the stellar you want to edit than make the TechLevel 9999 and that stellar will be able to by or sell anything that doesn't have a specific bitset or some word like that. Even if you don't have ResEdit it can be downloaded on the addons page but you'll be able to edit alot more than downloading and get an edit someone else did. Besides you can showoff that you understand a little about whats in the data file.
(This message has been edited by pooper (edited 10-10-2002).)
Originally posted by pooper:
All you have to do to edit it (which is more efficent than downloading) is open the data file with ResEdit <snip>
Rather, it would be better to edit a copy of the data file, or better yet, make a plugin with the modified spöb included. Editing the original data files is not a good idea, for various reasons.
It should also be noted that even opening files in ResEdit is a bad idea, unless you're opening a copy. ResEdit does not wait for you to tell it to save before saving what you're doing.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Or you could do what I do: I d/l'ed "Levo Fix" which gives Levo an Outfitter and a fairly extensive shipyard. The prices are pretty good, as well. With "Levo Fix" you can buy just about anything you need (or want). Unfortunately, "Levo Fix" also adds jumplines and removes some crucial ones. That's why I only use it at the beginning of a plug, or when I need to get something you can't get anywhere else..., then I remove it. One other thing it does is make it so the Levo system is sort of "isolated" from traffic, even though you see it on the map, you won't see any other ships there! Good for those times when you need to get away from someone that's chasing you!
"Time's fun when you're having flies."--Kermit the Frog
P.S the stellar should have the right flags. Just copy the flags from Earth I don't have enough time to explain it all. Though if you want to learn more just download the EV bible. That only talks about how to edit the data file, though I'm working on a guide that tells you things that the EV bible left out I'll email you when I make it if you like just tell me at:
I'd like a copy, too! Thanks!