Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Star Trek TC

      Has anyone played the Star Trek TC for EV yet? I know it's old and I've done searches on the board but didn't find anything relevant to my question. First of all, this plug is just straight out cool. I enjoyed playing all the mission strings except when I ran into some problems with the Romulans string. The problem is that I can never get pass the first mission. When I accept the mission to kill some traitors that's supposed to pass through the Romulus system, no one shows up. I've tried this with at least three different pilot files and the same thing happened time after time. Is this a bug in the plug? Thanks.


    • ive hunted through the addons page countless times and downloaded every star trek plug but none have has strings. please point me to this plug. thank you.

      Insanity has its advantages

    • Sounds quite intersting, and honestly id like to see this plug in too 🙂 , then it would be much easier to answer the question.

      Just another newbie 😛

    • Actually there are only two Star Trek plug-ins for EV. One has no mission strings and have incomplete graphis while the other is a fully completed TC and the link to that one is here...
      (url="http://", The Plug In .55b1.sit?path=ev/plugins&file;=ST, The Plug In .55b1.sit")http://www.ambrosias...0In%20.55b1.sit(/url)

      If that doesn't work, it's on the add-ons page

      Anyway, this plug has mission strings for Ferengi, Federation, Klingon, Pirates, and Romulan (but this one I'm having trouble with the 1st mission). There might be other strings like DS9, Bajoran... etc. but I haven't found them yet. Well, hope you guys enjoy this plug as much as I do. I really want to fly the Romulan Bird-of-Prey? You know, that giant green one, sorry, I don't know THAT much about Star Trek 🙂
