I'll send you the plug with your assignment in a week or two.
Stephen Lody
I'll send you the plug with your assignment in a week or two.
Stephen Lody
Are you asking for beta testers, or trying to contact ones you already have? If it's the former, you're much more likely to receive interest if you give some details about your plug-in.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url): Forums / Classifieds / Upcoming Plug-ins / More
I agree, give more details about your plug and I might decide to beta test it. By the way, this should be on the EV developers board for this kind of stuff.
Not really, Zax. This guy is seemingly trying to reach potential users, not developers. This board is fine.
(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
The one and only (url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/pr0n/legomazca.jpg")drunken kitchen leprechaun(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evn&category;=utilities&display;=date&file;=NovaTools.sit")NovaTools(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=29&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Development FAQs(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")Obligatory EVula Link(/url) | (url="http://"http://users.pandora.be/p0p0/youare.swf")Personal Message to You(/url)
The plug adds ships and makes the game more exciting. Unfortunetly no new mission strings are added. :frown: I took govts. from EVO and added them to EV the ships are different than in EVO because EV took place so much earlier than EVO (DUH).
I will warn you it probably isn't that great because I'm 14, had no help and this is my first plug (oh boy). :frown:
I will beta test your plug, my e-mail is above.
If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
Originally posted by S.Lody:
I took govts. from EVO and added them to EV the ships are different than in EVO because EV took place so much earlier than EVO (DUH).
Just to make this clear to anyone who's reading this, the plotlines of Escape Velocity and EV Override aren't connected; Escape Velocity isn't EV Override's future, and EV Override isn't Escape Velocity's past. They're just two games which happen to run off the same engine. The same is true for EV Nova.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url): Forums / Classifieds / Upcoming Plug-ins / More
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/survival_guide/")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url)
Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Just to make this clear to anyone who's reading this, the plotlines of Escape Velocity and EV Override aren't connected; Escape Velocity isn't EV Override's future, and EV Override isn't Escape Velocity's past. They're just two games which happen to run off the same engine. The same is true for EV Nova.
I didn't know that. The few times I have played EV Override, I have always been looking for connections to EV. But I never really liked EV Override as its graphics are, well, not good. Some of the ships look like something you would ride in a tivoli...
Sanity is overrated.
Originally posted by KaBoomer!!!:
**Sanity is overrated.
that it is. and insanity is underrated.
Insanity has its advantages
Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**Insanity has its advantages
Yes, because if you are insane, it is okay to walk around in the city, wearing pink clothes, a black hat, smoking fishes and trying to play Britney Spear's latest on a broken guitar. At least for a while, until those nice young men in their clean white clothes comes to take me away... Hihi-hoho-haha!
(Quote from Napoleon XIV, by the way.)
Sanity is overrated.
i like my padded cell with the padded iMac in the corner. not a bad place. i wish it was blue tho. that white gets to me in the mid-day part of the day. (very bright)
Insanity has its advantages
Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**i like my padded cell with the padded iMac in the corner. not a bad place. i wish it was blue tho. that white gets to me in the mid-day part of the day. (very bright)
You got a padded cell? Mine has walls full of thorn. But sometimes the thorns are snakes. They try to kill me. I wonder what they are now? I don't dare to watch. What if they see me? What do I do then?
"They're coming to take me away
They're coming to take me away,
Hoho, hihi, haha,
To the funny farm, where life is
beautiful all the time and I'll
be happy to see those nice young
men in their clean white clothes,
They're coming to take me away,
- Napoleon XIV.
(Alright, this is not even indirectly EV-related. )
Sanity is overrated.
Do you think maybe we could get back to talking about beta testing my plug!!!
I wouldn't mind testing it. Sent it to me.
"Only fools have no
i'm game if you're still checking this posting. my email's above.
Long Live The Rebellion!
How big is the plug? I might be able to do it, if you give more details, like if youll stuff it when it's sent etc.