Where Can i buy Proton Turrets besides Sol?
Where Can i buy Proton Turrets besides Sol?
Originally posted by Encore2097:
**Where Can i buy Proton Turrets besides Sol?
You can buy them on the pirate's east station, and maybe on Spica, but there is other's.
(This message has been edited by starcraft2.0 (edited 06-04-2002).)
If I remember right, there only sold at New Antigua, Evildrome, Pirateer's Heaven, and Sol. I'm pretty sure there are no Rebel planets that sell them.
No proton turrets on Spica. That's where you go for about everything else, though. I always get them at Pirateer's Haven, since Sol is almost always on my bad side when I play...
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there is one Rebel Planet that sells them. Akio in the Guiron system. West of Sauron. Spica Does not sell Proton Turrets (although i think they should).(is there no fanatic like me?)
Insanity has its advantages
Well, learned something new today.
Originally posted by firestorm:
**Well, learned something new today.
Hehe, same here. I've only ever noticed them for sale on Evildrome and Sol..
(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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thou must play the game and become a fanatic like me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Insanity has its advantages
Albert Wang's EV Guide is really good for this type of question. I downloaded it from somewhere on the EV board. Then I printed out his system map, which is filled with juicy tidbits, like...
According to Wang's guide, Proton Turrets are available at all Level 5 systems ... plus New Antiqua and Privateer's Haven. The Level 5 systems are ... Guiron, Yemuro, Sol and Evildrome.
(One for each major class of allegiance -- 'cept those pesky pirates must have cheated. "What!!?" you exclaim. "Pirates ... cheat!!!?? Horrors!")
- KK
Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
According to Wang's guide, Proton Turrets are available at all Level 5 systems ... plus New Antiqua and Privateer's Haven. The Level 5 systems are ... Guiron, Yemuro, Sol and Evildrome.
a slight flaw in that. Yemuro has no outfitter.
Insanity has its advantages
I think you can only buy them on the Confed core worlds
you can get proton turrets at cappala
with shop of course :redface: