Originally posted by Jager:
looking at your site you still have to put up our tready's.
I will! I'm not a machine.
Originally posted by Jager:
**Also stay in command untill I tell ya. I'm still trying to figure out what to do. I need more cash to fix my fleet
Okay, affirmative.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Question; how much does Grundy get to make his new personal fleet?
The remaining 85M.
Originally posted by Jimbob:
**As much money as you want withing the budget you are given. Oh, and yes, I'm joining again in a lower position of rebel power.
I'm glad you decided to rejoin. 
Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**Yes I don't know how to fight against them, I haven't been in the business of needing to attack them. I was just noting the fact that almost two thousand missiles would have sufficed for complete destruction of enemy fighter forces with missiles left over. They also would have been able to destroy at least one Mk. II's. Really, 2,000 missiles from long range all hitting within 30 seconds, that's gonna hurt any ship here.
While those missiles would very much hurt, return fire from torpedoes and other missiles would massacre the Starks. They would be able to get off only a medium amount of missiles before they were wiped out by the deep guided munitions banks of the Cruiser Mk. II's and ODS's.
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