Origionally Posted by Captain Carnotaur:
OOC: Well Ipvicus, if you didn't notice, Nova's post took a rather small amount of time. Your prowlers and other ships wouldn't have been able to fight very long and thus casualties would have been light, and you wouldn't have been able to retreat. Why retreat when missiles and slamming into your face? Besides, the mercenary fleet arrived from Regulus. So you just want to ignore enemy fire and hyperspace out directly into the Mercenary fleet? How "logical". :rolleyes: Then, just about 15 minutes after the mercenaries started to attack, my armada jumped in, and tore you to shreds.
If Nova's post is revoked, then I'll just edit my post and have the mercenaries jump in along with the rest of my fleet and the Pirates. Either way, you loose. 
Now, however, there are some things which can probably be done to fix this debate:
The mercenaries don't kill off one of your cruisers in the beginning attack
Nova cuts a little more of the losses from both fleets in the initial attack
That way it explains that the initial strike took only a very short period of time before the Letheans and Pirates jumped in, and would better explain why the Confeds never hypered out; they were blocked, and before they could clear away the Mercenaries, the Pirates and Letheans arrived.
I am not really willing to compromise and allow you to cheat. When I say my fleet is ready to retreat before you can attack me I mean it.
Why don't I explain a few thigs to you. First, my ships can enter hyperspace from anywhere outside of a gravity well, while your ships only come into the system in specific spots. Therefore, if I want to take my fleet to the edge of the system I bloody well can and your ships cant touch me unless I want them to. Second, the only way you can get the jump on me is if I was along your entrance vector, which you can't adjust, but I can and did predict.
On to the next part.
Origionally Posted by Captain Carnotaur:
That's utter crap. He had 10 Deimos Frigates to start out with I believe, and they are so freakin armed they make your Prowler look like a baby toy. Stop overestimating your own fleet. Geez...
Read my post and you will notice that I didn't use prowlers to kill them. I'll elaborate below.
Origionally Posted by Captain Carnotaur:
"Deimos" Warfrigate
Shields: 190
Armor: 60
Shield Recharge: 80
Speed: 350
Turning: ***
Accel.: ***
Crew: 97
Mass: 200
Fuel: 6 Jumps
Cost: 3,080,000
6 Proton Cannons
6 Proton Turrets
2 Heavy Rocket Launchers + 15 Heavy Rockets
1 Torpedo Launcher + 15 Torpedoes
Kindly explain to me how ten ships, each carrying a single torpedo launcher, can "beat up your fleet" from a distance as they are being pounded by my Figates and Cruisers? I'll admit that your Frigates are heavily armed, but almost all of their weaponry is close quarters stuff that can't hurt a fly when you are beyond its range. Quit making your ships sound more powerful than they really are. Geez...
Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 05-03-2002).)