He will get 350 million credits. Scorpio is rebel.
Mes plus sincΔres Salutations Ε la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.
He will get 350 million credits. Scorpio is rebel.
Mes plus sincΔres Salutations Ε la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.
Jager, what's a "Confederation Destroyer?" Your posts are the only ones where I have seen this vessel. (You say it was a gift from Rak, but I don't see it in Rak's early posts. Maybe I am just blind...?)
Rak, I am seriously impressed with your flexibility. You are more dedicated to sticking with the story than I was.
(Note, I am NOT picking sides in your beef with how things happened. I am merely acknowledging your laudable and graceful accommodation.)
Kudos to you, Rak.
- KK
Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch
The present from Rak was ducessed in emails. And he did take it out of his cash somewhere along the line. we were never going to tell anyone about our little alliance and it would be used as a tatical advantage agenst the rebls. But that didn't work out. But yes I have a single confed. destroyer. which needs to be upgraded
Flame wars are wrong. So why are they so much fun?!?
(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")Saber Studios(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/hsgr.html")The Homeschoolers of GR (/url) | (url="http://"http://evula.com") EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"http://home.attbi.com/~e-gamerguy1/bfs3/index.html") BSIII Home Page (/url)|(url="http://"http://evforums.n3.net/")Unofficial Escape Velocity Forums(/url) (url="http://"mailto:Stuartjager@yahoo.com")mailto:Stuartjager@yahoo.com(/url)Stuartjager@yahoo.com
Originally posted by Iron Eagle:
**If you're back in control of the next one, I'd be interested in expanding the online presence with certain a website that I have some ties with.
...and that would add up to some serious popularity.
I've got some new webstories in mind (one of which is based on my old Dreden War project). I'll try to start piecing it together soon, or once this webstory is over with.
Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")evula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net")ev-nova.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios(/url)
"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**...and that would add up to some serious popularity.;)
I've got some new webstories in mind (one of which is based on my old Dreden War project). I'll try to start piecing it together soon, or once this webstory is over with.
I think we could get a fairly successful Nova story going.. I'm fearing how many player there would be though =P
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net/")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")ev-nova.net(/url)
(url="http://"http://pftn.evula.net")pftn.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net")plugs3.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net")ucplugs.evula.net(/url)
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**Jager, what's a "Confederation Destroyer?" Your posts are the only ones where I have seen this vessel. (You say it was a gift from Rak, but I don't see it in Rak's early posts. Maybe I am just blind...?)
Rak, I am seriously impressed with your flexibility. You are more dedicated to sticking with the story than I was.
(Note, I am NOT picking sides in your beef with how things happened. I am merely acknowledging your laudable and graceful accommodation.)
Kudos to you, Rak.
- KK
I think we all know he means a Confederate Frigate.. he's just not picking up on his repeated mistake.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net/")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")ev-nova.net(/url)
(url="http://"http://pftn.evula.net")pftn.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net")plugs3.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net")ucplugs.evula.net(/url)
I have decided to stay independent as the Prime Minister of Liberty Station. BTW- Just give Jager the Confed Frig! It's worth nearly nil (3.55M) and it's not very good. I had discussed it with him, but unfortunately he never posted in the beginning so I was not able to give him the gift. However, he deserves it. People, be flexible.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")EVW(/url): (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")EVW Website (Out Dated)(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"http://www.army-technology.com/")Army(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/ffiletop.html")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.af.mil/news/indexpages/fs_index.shtml")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.firstgov.gov/topics/defense.html?ssid=1008272825086275_172")Defense Links(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html")EV: Webstory(/url) Confederate Prime Minister : (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html")EVW Webstory(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002257.html") EVW Discussion(/url)
Originally posted by Iron Eagle:
**I think we could get a fairly successful Nova story going.. I'm fearing how many player there would be though =P
True... we could be cruel and make everyone pay $25 in order to participate.
A lot of participants would mean the webstory would have to be very well organized. Far better than this or BFS.
Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")evula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net")ev-nova.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios(/url)
"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny
Look, sorry guys, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was still complaining, but ther is no one on my side. I'm done. I don't have to time to write an essay six times a day. Sorry if I offended anyone when i posted that, I had a really screwy day, and wasn't too happy.
Never try to meditate on ecstasy.-Me
If someone with Multiple Personality Disorder kills himself, is it Suicide or Homicide?- me again
|(url="http://"http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thepalshiferebelhideout")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")EVula's Lair(/url)|(url="http://"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVPlayers/")EVPlayers(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/sim_sk8ersan")Escape Velocity: Rebel's Base(/url)|(url="http://"http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210243")Our classes thinkquest site.(/url)
Skyblade; check your e-mail.
If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Look, sorry guys, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was still complaining, but ther is no one on my side. I'm done. I don't have to time to write an essay six times a day. Sorry if I offended anyone when i posted that, I had a really screwy day, and wasn't too happy.
Jimbob, please stay. If you go there is nobody to play for the Rebels and this story is pretty much done. If you still want to leave could you at least find somebody to take over your position?
Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Urgh, looking over some of this stuff, it's just too confusing. Tell you what, how about if I sit this one out, and start working up something more along the lines of BFS I? I'm beginning to become quite sure that less is more in terms of rules. Hell, BFS I was the best one I've ever seen on this board, and it had effectively no rules and no external resources, aside from a Map DA built once that was never updated. I'll see if I can work out a very basic framework to be compatible with the larger number of players involved in this one.
I agree 134%!
Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)
Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
**Jimbob, please stay. If you go there is nobody to play for the Rebels and this story is pretty much done. If you still want to leave could you at least find somebody to take over your position?
I agree. I want you to stay so that I can make my evil plan.
If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Skyblade; check your e-mail.
Don't have any at the moment, and nor have I for the past few months.
Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")evula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net")ev-nova.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios(/url)
"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny
Oh God no, not an evil Carnoplot... can I please have a price on my Ariadne?
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.
|(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html") EV Webstory(/url) |(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002257.html") EV Webstory Discussion(/url) |(url="http://"http://www.freewebz.com/nick014/Shiplist.html") EV Webstory - New Ships(/url)
Originally posted by Shade:
**/Me grins
Here's the stats for my next ship - the JPG will shortly be winging it's way to BariSaxGuy
Ariadne - Class Heavy Fighter
Shield: 50
Armour: 20
Speed: 400
Accel: ****
Turn: ****
Fuel: 300
Mass: 40
6 Proton Cannons
2 Rocket Launchers
10 Rockets
1 Torpedo Launcher
10 Torpedos
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")EVW(/url): (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")EVW Website (Out Dated)(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"http://www.army-technology.com/")Army(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/ffiletop.html")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.af.mil/news/indexpages/fs_index.shtml")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.firstgov.gov/topics/defense.html?ssid=1008272825086275_172")Defense Links(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html")EV: Webstory(/url) Confederate Prime Minister : (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html")EVW Webstory(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002257.html") EVW Discussion(/url)
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Don't have any at the moment, and nor have I for the past few months.
Dangit. Here's what it said:
Heya Skyblade,
Thinking about starting an EV Nova webstory, are ya? Well, too late. I already had one in mind and had been getting stuff ready for it for a while.
Actually, I doubt I could do it all alone, so if you want you could help me. If you did work with me, I would be the big person in charge, of course. I want to try my hand at organizing this type of webstory, and I think I could do it quite well, IMHO. Rak isn't around enough and doesn't update his server, same with Mac. What do you think?
-Captain Carnotaur
If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Dangit. Here's what it said:
Heya Skyblade,
Thinking about starting an EV Nova webstory, are ya? Well, too late. I already had one in mind and had been getting stuff ready for it for a while.
Actually, I doubt I could do it all alone, so if you want you could help me. If you did work with me, I would be the big person in charge, of course. I want to try my hand at organizing this type of webstory, and I think I could do it quite well, IMHO. Rak isn't around enough and doesn't update his server, same with Mac. What do you think?
-Captain Carnotaur
Dreden War webstory project has been in planning since late last year. I just haven't done much with it, mostly because of my lack of free time. But if you need some assistance in your own webstory, I'll be happy to offer a hand.
Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")evula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net")ev-nova.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios(/url)
"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny
Luke, your fleet in Spica would not pass unkown to anyone. You may let leave bits by bits for it has to pass incognito by Levo, Capella, Pelagon and Regulus, I believe all opposed to you. Even if it takes some time, I expect some losts, really minor ones, but some.
Thank you
Mes plus sincΔres Salutations Ε la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.
Originally posted by Ne Demord Jamais:
**Luke, your fleet in Spica would not pass unkown to anyone. You may let leave bits by bits for it has to pass incognito by Levo, Capella, Pelagon and Regulus, I believe all opposed to you. Even if it takes some time, I expect some losts, really minor ones, but some.
Thank you