Originally posted by The Space Between:
**You updated, SB, but why aren't I on there?
Since there are enough Cydonian and Lethean players, I guess I'll be Rebellion. If that's okay...
My apologies. I'll take care of that next update. You're more than welcome to be a Rebel player.
Overrider: Then your official statement that is suppost to be official is oficially official. 
Azdara: We can't really decide stuff like that at the moment. Save the fun stuff for the actual webstory. But when that time comes, I'll likely be more then willing to hand you a cruiser. 
Vice Admiral: Most likely. We're all pretty much tied down with the new semester, so it'd be good for the majority of us to wait until summer. Heck, I'll even have time to update the map a few times a day by then. 
Jimbob: That brings up an idea... Do you guys think we should make the Astex a government in this webstory? They won't be very efficient in military terms, but could play a big role in Confederation supplies and economy...
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(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")An EV Webstory(/url) - Coming soon to the EV forum.