As a proffessional dream-interpreter (No, really), I believe it would be my duty do dispense some of my valuable knowledge on this thread.
I was sitting in church (first-person view), and when the fellowship pad (we pass this notepad around each pew to meet new people) was being passed around, I noticed that, according to the pad, EVula was sitting two seats to the right of me. I looked, and sure enough, my mind's image of EVula looked at me and waved.
Rawzer, it is clear that your subconscious is telling you to convert to Buddhism, to rid yourself of vampires for good.
Like the time I dreamt that Soviet mikee and nash were chasing me arround downtown Chicago with a big pair of scissors, trying to kill me
Clearly OctoberFrost your mind is telling you to beware sewing classes for Russians with dental hyperactiveness.
Or the time I dreamt that there was an ASW Members Convention at some baseball stadium. Thing is, there was a baseball game first, and it was "Child Molestors Run the Bases" night, so Anon went to molest a child so he could run the bases. Later on, I got summoned to appear before the War Room and got sentenced to death (don't ask)
Erm....<sips coffee> cough
Or that one time I dreamt that Soviet mikee was made webboard admin, and he changed it back to the DiscBoards -- but with pink background color
It seems you need to put aside post-Cold War prejudice to address your feminine side.
I had a dream that I was in a shuttlecraft with the Confeds (lowest you can get...) and flew to Palshife. Heh. You can imagine how that one ends...
Jimbob, this is clearly a harsh warning from your subconscious NOT to go to school naked tommorrow.
Hmmm this is freaky 'cause I had a dream combining the movie "Evolution" (i had just seen it for the first time) Boy Scouts and Battle for Sol. Don't ask.
This is clearly a sign, Ipvicus, that you are called to join the boy scouts. It is time for them to move on, and so you must lead them in becoming a break-away left-wing militant group.
I once had a dream forge was strolling down my street, and he killed my dog. The dream ended when I picked him off from the roof of my house with an MP-5. Heh.
Obviously Captain your mind is telling you that you are not the cast-iron bullet-proof dog that you once thought you were, even if problems do come to an abrupt end.
Couple nights ago I had a dream about Nova. I was testing a plug-in I had made for it and I was going "Yeah, it works!"
At last, a good omen!!! On that bombshell, clinic's over for today ![:) 🙂](
Er, and that'll be Ł800 please...
"Never trust a dog with
orange eyebrows" -
Nanny Ogg