Originally posted by grunadulater:
And the Rebublic has wayyyy more guns than the Dreadnaught.
Quality over quantity. Ours are simple turrets, yours are a beam better than the Alien's big red beam from the original. Doing a direct statistical comparison (something I rarely do, since we don't want to get too bogged down with numbers), the 50 F-P Beams on your Alien Dreadnought have roughly twice the firepower of the Republic's 500 turrets.
For the rest:
Shields+Armor: somewhat better than Republic
Speed: nearly double
Weapons: 1000 Seeker Modules have at least the damage of 2000 Torpedoes, and with an equivalent 50 Launchers they pump that damage out faster (as each unit does more, and units fire same speed). You also have the Drill Bombs, which can apparently do a lot of damage to armor with one bomb (I've never seen even a relative value, but it seems to be one-two shot(s) kill), and the TLRTs, which the Republic has nothing to match. Tractors may not do damage, but they can really screw up a ship. I'd have to say roughly 220,000,000 on this, a lot of which is based on the utterly overwhelming turrets. If you want to cut those by about half, it would fall to more in the 170-180 million range.
If anyone's wondering, systems like this, comparing every aspect to the most comparable ship I can find (and often others - I ran some of these numbers against the Macross also, and even a few against the Liberty without mentioning), is a reasonable amount of my pricing system.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@attbi.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@attbi.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@attbi.com