Originally posted by Kylethekender545:
**Skyblade, put yourself in my position. Jager is sitting next to the jumpgate having posted once. I am sitting in a system. Barisax, you, Azdara Ace, and Jimbob are on the front against a saint+ who isn't even here and whose fleet you have destroyed, and a rebel council who isn't here either and whose fleet you also destroyed!
Your're blaming me for dragging Saint's fleet into the battle? Sorry buddy, but that was RC's responsibiliy, as is anything that happens to the Imperial fleet. As for destroying those fleet, that's my job. ![;) 😉](http://archive.ambrosia.garden/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f609.png?v=eb85ilv3one)
RC's fleet destruction is his fault. He visited the forums three times and failed to do anything. In the process, he held up the entire Dreden's part of the webstory. Do you expect us to sit around? No siree...
Originally posted by Kylethekender545:
That isn't even the issue, because you, AA, Jimbob, and BariSax all seem to have a huge amount of time on your hands. I can barely post two or three bfs messages a day, so any potentially brilliant strategies i'll post will be met immediately by your responses and I won't have the god damn time to respond to those. But have it your way, I'll actually respond so you guys can have the pleasure of annilhating my fleet. I have no control over any one else's fleet understand? It's just me! haha, and I don't even have the income to build anything until page 4.
As with any webstory, the time you have at your hands often does decide the course of the story. Again, that's not our fault.
We haven't touched your fleet (yet :p), so don't complain about that...
And you still have Jager.
Originally posted by Kylethekender545:
**I understant perfectly well your wish for me to be "creative." But anything that I could potentially do that brings any sort of victory to my side will look like "cheating" or "unrealistic."
Just do your best, that's all I ask. It's the complaining that makes webstories boring.
Originally posted by Kylethekender545:
Last point, Skyblade: yes a submarine rebelled but in this case it is an entire fleet. So what if BariSax wanted to switch sides, it would have been realistic if his ship alone did so. Instead, his whole fleet switched sides. Now you're talking about reality so I'll respond with realistic situations. You say that since one commander would switch sides, he could place the biased judgment on the captains of all his ships that they would agree to switch sides as well? So what if you call the alien empire "cruel." There is a degree of loyalty to one's own race and you would never betray your own kind for some aliens, as you, the Dreden, are in this case. So it is actually entirely unrealistic that an entire fleet of ships switches sides.
But have it your way, as I'll make my desperate fleet's posts as you all respond with 10 times the amount. Skyblade and Mac, please consider what I have said in this entire post.
I understand your point about the defection. Some of BariSax's fleet should have been uptight towards defection, and remained loyal to the Emperor... But they likely would have been blasted by the majority of those who wished to leave the harsh life of a military government.
Also, the aliens had the advantage in the beginning... Five fleets to our three. We blasted two of them due to poor judgement on the Empire's side, and the other defected. You still have two untouched fleets left, so use them wisely.
Good luck. You're doing well, just please understand that someone is always going to lose, even if you don't like it...
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