Originally posted by David Arthur:
(BThe problem is that Banter and Brawl has a very different definition of spam than this board does.
Obviously so. In any case, it seems to have been more frequent at the B&B; lately, in their own words, too.
Originally posted by Soviet Mikee:
(BThanks guys for not flaming the Banter and Brawl goons, showing that the EV board is far more mature and reasonable than the crappy B and B.
Oh wait, I'm mod of the EV/EVO/EVBB boards, where is my loyality?!?
No, no... You've got it all right!
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
(BNice nice nice! Just note that you have yet to make a 1000+ post topic. <points to Ares Trash Talk>
But anyway, congrats all EV Board-ers, and that includes me.
The good 'ol trash talk... Sheesh, that topic was active for about a year until andrew locked it up just after reaching 1000 posts.
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