Getting Polaris missions all depend on how well your combat rating and your legal status. Also to remind you, sometimes missions come by rarely, so be patient.
I am an Ultimate Good Egg.
I have been getting the same mission over and over again: Rescue fighter pilots. I just wondering how many times I must do this before I advance in the missions..
Yes you can buy polaris and orion ships. Polaris better in my opinion. Don't kknow rest.
I agree most throughly.
As for the Cassitopean missions, I can't say that ever happening to me. Perhaps when you destroyed the Confed ships, did you destroy all the ships or just the four crusiers? If you destroyed all Confed ships then it is little wonder why that the Northern Expanse hates you. Focus only on the four crusiers and nothing else; destroy their escorts or fighters and you'll just piss off the government. I cannot explain not getting the 1.5 million credits though.
Well the story went something like this. The Cassitopean government asks me to rescue Freighter Pilots. Then I am sent to find out about the pirates that did it. Then I am asked to destroy 4 Condors, which I do. I then meet an old pirate captain who is angry about the whole mess and demands I take him to Denigrade Station (where this all began) when we get their the president and pirate start arguing, then their is a pirate attack, I am sent out to defend Station Denigrade. I destroy the ships and land. They are still arguing, but I show them I Confed helmet from won of the ships. Appears those "pirates" were really Confeds. The Confeds wanted a trade aggrement with Cassitopean government, apparently they were hoping to build sympathy. They tell me to destroy 4 cruisers I kill them and the frigates which got in my way. During this battle the Police interfere several times, but I bribe them. When I land I am paid 1.5M by only the old pirate no Cassitopean president. I leave the planet and see that I am a wanted felon/ offender in the Northern Expanse.
The whole mission was very ominous, it started off with a mission, "So it begins..." I am just trying to figure out how to be loved. 
Yes you can jump into alien space without any innital trouble. I just hope you make a back-up before doing that or you'll be in for a very long stay...that is if you aren't blown from space first.
To get the alien storyline, wait in alien space for a certain ship to come by and hail it. Again that is if you don't get blown from space.
Hope this info is of any help.
Thanks, last time I was having trouble finding a way to hyperspace into the sector, anything special I need to do? Thanks again.
Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
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