Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Mac reincarnates himself as a Vell-Os outside. The doors suddenly explode inward on the bar, and a surprising number of fragments sweep toward Moose and Jimbob as homing Missiles would. Mac walks in and warps the minds of Those two, keeping them in a perpetual state of believing themselves to be in agony, but always alive and conscious. Jimbob and Moose fall to the floor, crippled byt the imagined but still very real pain.
Luke gasps at MA. "You can't just turn yourself into a Vell-Os!"
MA speaks to Luke with his mindpowers:
((( I sure as **** can. )))
"Oh. Okay," says Luke. Luke then kills Sammy the squirrel, but he actually doesn't, because Sammy's invincible, so Luke gets drunk, being of the assumpton that Sammy is dead, and Luke also starts talking in run-on sentences, and also glues himself to the wall.
(déja vous for older bar regulars)"I'm sorry, guys, but I can't continue with the food fight. I just can't. I mean, I'm incabable of doing so. You see, I glued myself to the wall while I was drunk. Otherwise, I'd be right there with ya!" (/déja vous for older bar regulars)
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(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"I smile because I don't know what's going on."(/url)