Originally posted by Luke:
**Hi, where ya been?
A brief summary of BBar15 (so far):
We came in, had a food fight, tried to kill Sammy the Squirrel, who promptly made an alliance with Chirpo, the evil imortal cricket, I glued myself to the wall, Mac turned ito a Vell-Os and is now annoying us all with his mind powers, and everyone is arguing about music, Mr.Moose passed out from a PGGB, and we're all at least partially drunk. ![:p 😛](http://archive.ambrosia.garden/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f61b.png?v=eb85ilv3one)
Hmm, not quit, I am not arguing about music, and a am not partially drunk, in fact, I am leaving the bar now. At least for a while.
A while afer I left, a big chunk of Rapire came down and landed on Sammy, who then got up and dumped it on whoever was triing to kill him. (Insano right?) Insano, still dead, was rammed my Mr. Moose who, being drunk, thought he was alive. Insano, for some reason, reincarnated himself into Mr. Moose, and being angry at killing him, Insano rams Mr. Moose, killing him. Mr. Moose then reincarnated into Insano. (Don't ask how)
So now, Insano is Mr. Moose, and
Mr. Moose is now Insano.
And, they are both nere invinsable, and, they both are trying to kill themselves so they can return to themselves. And, to show how invinsable they both are, the feind fires two torpedos thrue the bar doors, which start on fire. The torpedos hit Mr. Moose and Insano, who don't die, and are sitting dazed in the burnt down hulk of BBar15. Everyone else has yet to reicarnate, when the feind lands after taking over this system.
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."
One World, one Web, one Program -- Microsoft promotional ad
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer -- Adolf Hitler Pre WWII
(One world, One Country, One Leader.)