Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Captain Skyblade, yeah right, you didn't know you had 6000+ posts. Now, has anyone noticed he makes these sub-totals at every single opportunity? I'll bet you he has a 1000 posts of poll sub-totals!
PS: And it's either Esponer or SD, Captain Skyblade. Dragon's someone else.
Errr, where did I say I didn't know I had 6000 posts? I remember weeks back someone said I had reached that mark and I didn't know it, but that's because I was at 6001. I'm now fully aware of the matter. But get it straight: the numbers don't matter...
Also, I'd like to know why you suddenly decided to take a ship dicussion into an attack against my dumb post count? Now that I think of it, are you jealous or something?
I just like to keep people updated, rather than make polls a confusing topic. Think twice before cutting into a discussion like this next time. Deal?
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