DANG! I leave to go test out my new Starcraft™, and you guys do THIS much? Well, I didn't bother reading all that (yes, I'm a lazy buttmunch), so could you fill me in on anything important? In other words, tell me about any new ideas or spoon fights, and try and edit out all of Mac's incessant gloating. ![:p 😛](http://archive.ambrosia.garden/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f61b.png?v=eb85ilv3one)
Due to his loss of the bet with Mac, DRAGON (notice my character's name in there, not mine) has been using a PC.
Anyone who doesn't understand why this is happening should consult the 1st page for the "agreement" on this issue.
Completly frustrated with the absurd consoles and "ventanas" (Hablo espańol también, usted sabe ;)), He chucks it out the prison window, amid mass screaming and attempts to force the Piece-of-Crap, uh, I mean "PC" through the bars. He reverts back to his trusty Ethel, his heavily-carded G3 (Sniff, sniff. We love you Ethel!).
As to why the guards have no problem with me getting rid of the computer they forced me to take (in accordance with the bet): (ls) Well, this has a more personal message.
Mac: I had a long post about this topic, but then Ethel froze (Its not your fault, baby. It's okay, it's okay, don't cry now...), so I must consalidate it into a shorter remark, due to my "un-want" of typing it all again (as was said before, I'm a lazy buttmunch). I feel that it is rude and unfair of you to play god. In other words, I'm sick of the "You're in jail now, and you can't get out. You try to resist? No you didn't escape. you were only dreaming. Stay in your cell! That's a good inmate!" routine. So, ALL of us are out of jail. I'm not mad or anything, I'm just saying- You're not the DM. Putting us in jail, wihtout giving us a chance to reist: Not great, but definitly in-bounds of BB law. Hampering all our atempts at escape, and playing Aeo- Not cool. Doesn't make anyone mad, just not cool. Not checking back old topics and finding out that you did give permission for the Aurora to exist: Perfectly OK. Everybody forgetts. Just telling you that you can go back to #5, 6, or 7 (can't remember which) and see for your self- You allowed all plug ships as long as they weren't used for unneccesary (sp?) violence.
Anyway, Dragon informs that the bet continues with this new game, and that he bets the Aurora (gasp!) on the Yankees.