Originally posted by Cyber_Dragon:
**Technically, Amber isn't a girlfriend, just a "special" friend. We go out to movies and stuff, but- Oh, hell, she's my girlfreind! Still, who said anything about treating someone as an "object?" Now, if you started dating multiple girls at the same time (Dragon utters a false cough that strangly resmembles, "COREY!"), that would be against my little "Code of Girlfriend Ethics." 
And BTW, I found something funny about situations like this on a website someplace. I'll post it later if I find it. **
Yeah, I've just got some of my own little "rules" concerning the subject. Believe it or not, my best friend is a girl who is two years older than me. But I don't treat her any different than I would a guy. She's just an awesome Christian friend, always ready to share her day or help those in need...
By "objects," I mean guys treating girls as something to play around with. Girls are humans, and should be treated as so. Look for good morals and character in a girl, not appearance (this is all my opinion, and not directed at you).
I don't date, and never will. I stick with courtship (not the old, common meaning). My older brother is currently courting, and he'll probably be married within a year or two. He's also the happiest guy in the world. My brother is courting the older sister of my best friend...
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