Dragon (still encumbered by the hangover) notes the fact tht everyone is clicking "yes" when Corey/Spacey (don't remember who started this) never said anything about buttons.
Just for the heck of it, Dragon clicks "no." 
Dragon notes that about a dozen rebels, emerging from various hinding places, all point their shock rifles at him. 
-----"What? I clicked, "no?" Sorry, I meant, "yes."
-----Dragon, using a normal-looking digital watch, contacts his ship's computer. The watch, which contains ResEdit 500000001, hacks into his system files (after passing through various security checks, of course) and causes the Aurora (parked outside) to Geneticly (sp) re-engineer the planet's atmosphere. After about 5 miliseconds, all the fed ships blow up without a trace, due to the chemicals used in their construction.
-----Dragon, looking up at the astonished faces and says, "Design flaw. All fed ships carry Yuro-grinkite silicon in their hulls. This new atmosphere does not like Yuro-glinkite silicon. Anything the atmosphere doesn't like... (he makes a neck-cutting motion) Bye-bye!" All the Rebs rush off to record this, leaving Dragon to enjoy his synthale.
-----Suddenly, Dragon remembers something.
-----" WHERE'S MY MONEY? "