Umm, that's scientifically impossible for a Viper to get up that high. I don't know about 3, but 1 and 2 are totally life-like. Now, I must say, I'm an expert on Vipers, and Vipers cannot get up to 1100 horsepower. Unless it's use for a drag car. For, if it had that much, and with its - scuse the expresion - crappy FR drivetrain and weight distribution, it wouldn't be able to round a tight corner like that on Laguna Seca. (The Hill. The sixth turn)
It would spin out, hit the wall or another car, and kill the driver. Unless it has brakes like those used on jet-fighters, but I doubt it. Air-brakes can't fit on cars. 
So, please explain the 1100 HP. The only car in 2 that is as high as that is the HKS Drag and the Pikes Peak Version Ralley Car by Sazuki.
I got every HP upgrade possible. Every NA upgrade and every muffler upgrade, all the way to engine balancing and port polish. I also upgraded practically everything else possible. Don't ask me how, but it works.
Insano goes into the bar's medical room and replaces all of his damaged body parts with robotic transplants. With his new right arm, he grabs Skyblade and throws him out the window. He then flies out in a defender and pins Skyblade on the nose. He then flies full speed into Earth's atmosphere.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"http://evempire.netfirms.com")http://evempire.netfirms.com(/url) Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.