Originally posted by Luke:
Luke gladly lets Shade take the pizza, because Luke hates grease.
"No, actually, my birthday is Wednesday."
Luke buys a kiwi from an insane man.
"Thank you, insane man."
"You're welcome, partially-sane man."
Luke, you're partially sane? We can't have that! Insane people only here!
Shade's moles can't do anything to Mac, since he is in Rak's unbreakable jar, but he can commit suicide by force of will, and does. He reincarnates next to Luke, and starts pushing out of the bar. "No sane people! No sane people! I don't care if you're only partly sane, you can't be here unless you're totally nuts!" (OOC: Just as well that David doesn't go for bars like this
) Mac throws Luke out the door and slams it shut, leaning against it. After about thirty seconds he gets board with this and goes off to find Rak, and Luke comes back in. When Mac does find Rak, he gets out a truce paper, shakes Rak's hand, and while shaking it makes it sign the truce. The Mac/Rak war ends in a show of world peace. ![:) ๐](http://archive.ambrosia.garden/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f642.png?v=eb85ilv3one)
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com