Name: Luke
Ship Name: R.S.S. Swamp Witch
Systems: Rebellion
Government: Rebellion
AI: Warship
Agression: Highly agressive
What shield percent you run away at: 0
Ship type: Reb Cruiser
Your choice of four weapons, how many you have, and the ammo load: One Forklift, ten proton turrets, 2 torp launchers, fifty torps, lightning bay, four lightnings
Credits: none
What percent shields you have compared to the stock ship: 150
CommQuote: I'm from Jersey, and I can pilot a spacecraft! Take that!
HailQuote: Rebels! Rebels! Doughnuts..!
Grudge: yep
Escape Pod: no
OK, couple of problems. Luke, you can only have one name. Your name will also be your ship name, sorry, no way to get around that. So, which do you want, Luke or R.S.S. Swamp Witch? And, I don't know how to make a pers show up in any system controlled by a specific government. Only random and specific system. So, could someone please tell me how to do that? Thanks.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's. -
Name (your ship's name as well): Macavenger
System: -1
Government: Macintosh*
AI: 3
Agression: 4
What shield percent you run away at: 5
Ship type: 141 (Reb Destroyer)
weapons: 134, 131, 132, 152
count: 4, 1, 1, 2
ammoload: 0, 18, 20, 0
Credits: 10000000
What percent shields you have compared to the stock ship: -1 (or 1000 if you don't want to do that)
CommQuote (comm box): You are being scanned to check for Wintel hardware/software. If you are in possession of any, the time to run away would be now, before I come destroy you.
HailQuote (bottom of screen): <OSN>: Down with Microsoft!
Flags: $0003OK, other than government and the quotes, that's all just ResEdit code, so put it in. Those you'll have to configure.
- Government Macintosh looks like this:
Flags: $0120
Ally: 129 (Reb)
Enemy: The PC government (or 128 (Fed) if you don't make one of those)
CrimeTol: 5 (We get pissed fast)
SmugPenalty: 10
DisabPenalty: 20
BoardPenalty: 50
KillPenalty: 100
ShootPenalty: 0
InitialRec: 0So, that's my stuff. BTW, you wouldn't mind having an honorary appearance in my plug would you? I need someone to be in the PC government.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"") -
You have to make me work, don't you Mac? Mac, could you pleae tell me how to make it so a ship is in a specific government's systems?
Mac, what are you doing making another plug besides Alien Invaders? And, yes, I'd be glad to be in your plug.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.(This message has been edited by Insano (edited 09-14-2001).)
OV and Mac, you can't kill me 'cuz I was already dead.
Name (your ship's name as well): Corey
System: Any
Government: Apple
AI: Er, the step up from Brave Trader
Agression: 3
What shield percent you run away at: 0 (none, I don't run away)
Ship type: Kestrel
Your choice of four weapons, how many you have, and the ammo load: Proton Turrets(42) Torpedo Launcher (42, ammoload 420) Lightning Bay (10) Seeker Drones (840)
Credits: 42000000
What percent shields you have compared to the stock ship: 1250
CommQuote (comm box): Have you seen Lyra? I'm hunting her, and her little Daemon too...
HailQuote (bottom of screen): Go buy a GameCube!!!
Grudge, Escape pod yes or no: yes, yesI suggest that if you make Mac/PC governments consider naming them Apple and IBM, or Microsoft, or something. Maybe the Govt's long name could be Apple Computer/Microsoft, and the target name could be Apple/IBM/Mac/PC etc...
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
Name: General Rak
System: Earth
Government: Rebellion
AI: Warship
Agression: 3
What shield percentage you run away at: 5%
Ship type: Alien Cruiser
Weapons load: 20 Proton Turrets, 10 Space Bomb launchers and 50 Space Bombs, Particle Beam, Alien Fighter Bay + 20 Alien Fighters
Credits: 100M
Shield Percentage: 400%
CommQuote (comm box): Prepare to succumb to superior AI
HailQuote (bottom of screen): I'm on a mission to assasinate Corey and his Pokémon; have you seen him?
Grudge: Yes
Escape Pod: Yes------------------
Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")WTC Tower Collapse(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url)(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 09-14-2001).)
To: The members of the Boozerama Bar From: Subject: A CALL TO ARMS Dear Members, This has gone on long enough. The insubordination of the Bar Latte members will be tolerated no longer! I propose a mass storming of the bar tomorrow. And traitors will be excommunicated! (such as a certain _shade_ we all know...) I await your response. Commodore Corey ~~~END TRANSMISSION~~~~ \------------------ Coreył (Cubed) Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". (This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-14-2001).)
Message Deleted
Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")WTC Tower Collapse(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) -
Originally posted by Insano:
Mac, could you pleae tell me how to make it so a ship is in a specific government's systems?Hey, Luke wanted that, but I'll tell you anyway.
To make a ship show up in a particular governments system, add 10000 to that governments index number (The 0 based part). So, any Rebel system would be 10001. You can also do other things, like ally of a government (15000), any but a govt (20000), and enemy of a government (25000). All those numbers have to be adjusted to show a government, of course. You can also put the independants, i.e. government -1, by subtracting 1. For ex, to make a ship show up in an independant system only, put it in system 9999.Quote
Originally posted by Insano:
Mac, what are you doing making another plug besides Alien Invaders? And, yes, I'd be glad to be in your plug.Er, what makes you think I'm working on another plug besides Alien Invaders?
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"") -
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**So, that's my stuff. BTW, you wouldn't mind having an honorary appearance in my plug would you? I need someone to be in the PC government.;)**
That's why he thinks that. Because it seemed unlikely that your Alien Invaders plug would have a PC govt...?
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
Originally posted by coreycubed:
**That's why he thinks that. Because it seemed unlikely that your Alien Invaders plug would have a PC govt...?
**Hey, it's my plug, I get to have fun with it if I want, don't I?
It's not like it's going to be anything major, just a little add in for kicks.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"") -
Oh, about that "occupation" thing in my profile, that was a one-time-only deal. I forgot to change it back. :redface: It's fixed now
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
TO: COMMANDER CUBED FROM: GENERAL ENGEL, GOLD STAR CLASS RE: ATTACK ON BAR LATTE It has come to my attention that you propose a storming of the Bar Latte. The Bar Latte, hoever, has made no serious actions, statements, and/or rude comments about BB. My sources (hint, hint) may be incorrect. However, my men (and women) will conduct a search of the Bar Latte, in secret. If I found your accusations to be true, than we can hold a meeting in ChessWorks as to what to do about the situation. I now leave to evaluate the Barr Latte's possibility as an enemy. May God be with you all. General Engel, Gold Star Class, Commander of the Borealis Fleet, Captain of the Polar Ray Division. ~~~END TRANSMISSION~~~
It's "Commodore Corey", btw, not "Commander Cubed" but you can use that instead if you like.
An evil smile creeps across Corey's face. "Heh heh heh...I've got a great idea...hmmm, now who can I play this trick on?...not Mac, he's too serious..."
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
Originally posted by coreycubed:
**...not Mac, he's too serious..."
**Me, serious? I think that's an Insult!
Mac screams in rage, and unleashes some kind of hidden psychic power on coreycubed, TK-ing him into the wall, screaming at him. He begins to throw various things, crackers, DP cans, plants plucked from around the bar, and his miniature towel, all at Corey. He then grabs one of the pots, stuffs corey's face in it, and rubs it around, getting his face all dirty. Then, just for fun, he dunks Corey's hands and feet into neon green, fast drying paint, so he can't get it off.
"Don't call me serious! You can't believe that! I'm the craziest one in the bar, I just don't show it usually. You call me serious, I go nuts on you! Bwuahhahahaha!!!"
<insane evil malicious grin>
To reinforce the go nuts part, Mac begins pelting Corey with peanuts, finally forcing him to flee the bar to escape the insane fusillade.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"") -
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Me, serious? I think that's an Insult!Mac screams in rage, and unleashes some kind of hidden psychic power on coreycubed, TK-ing him into the wall, screaming at him. He begins to throw various things, crackers, DP cans, plants plucked from around the bar, and his miniature towel, all at Corey. He then grabs one of the pots, stuffs corey's face in it, and rubs it around, getting his face all dirty. Then, just for fun, he dunks Corey's hands and feet into neon green, fast drying paint, so he can't get it off.
"Don't call me serious! You can't believe that! I'm the craziest one in the bar, I just don't show it usually. You call me serious, I go nuts on you! Bwuahhahahaha!!!"
<insane evil malicious grin>
To reinforce the go nuts part, Mac begins pelting Corey with peanuts, finally forcing him to flee the bar to escape the insane fusillade.
"Owee," says a small voice coming somewhere from outside the bar. "Owee..." Corey limps back to the entrance. "At least my evil plan was a success..." he mutters.
Oh wait, that wasn't my evil plan. I had another one. OK, since Mac isn't so serious, we'll see how he likes THIS!!
And remember Mac, it's just a joke. No hard feelings, eh?
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
TO: COMMODORE CUBED FROM: GENERAL ENGEL RE: Bar Latte Issue It seems that the Bar Latte has done nothing offensive. On the contrary, it seems that YOU have been making offensive movements against them... Your banner act was quite uncalled for. However, the Bar-goers seem not to have noticed. Or at least, they're not showing it. Still, I see no point in taking over BL. They aren't radioactive- it's worse- they have yellow writing! I prefer standerd white, thank you very much. However, the afforementioned reasons have nothing to do with the fact that it would be HIGHLY enjoyable to blow the h**l out of BL. :p Below is one of my divisonary antics- I mean tactis... \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A matrix kickoff. One of us (in this example, Lyra) posts something like, "Lyra walks into the Bar Latte. However, when she steps through the metal detector, it beeps wildly." Then, you would post, "A security official walks up to Lyra and asks, "I'm sorry, little girl, do you have any metal toys with you?" I would post, "Lyra deviously smiles and opens her heavy coat to reveal a full compliment of aprox. 50 different types of guns and weapons. Her smile vanishes in an instant when she yells, apparently to the walls, "For Boozerama!" You would post, "Nothing happens, and the guard approaches Lyra with an equally devious smile, while secretly drawing a handgun. However, Corey and (whoever else comes with us) pop out from behind the various memorblia, all unarmed." Then I would go, "Lyra tosses them all various automatics, drawing out a flamethrower for herself. All weapons are pointed at different people." Then, we all ad-lib and just go around killing things 'till there is nothing left. I would then post, "Lyra, standing amongst her friends, pulls out a final weapon from her trenchcoat-arsenal... a redeemer. Put simply: She blows the place to H-E-double hockey sticks." \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, curtain call, exit staaaaaaage... Left! We all leave. It is ESSENTIAL that this be well co-ordinated we must be there at the EXACT same time, so the posts can go in rapid succesion. If a Bar Latte'er were to post something in between, it would screw up the whole thing. With that being said, I hope to hear your reponse soon. Good luck, and may we win the battle. General Engel, Gold Star Class, Commander of the Borealis Fleet, Captain of the Polar Ray Division. ~~~END TRANSMISSION~~~ Oh yeah, and, corey? Try to keep Osama and all that stuff out of here, 'kay?
To: General Engel, Gold Star Class From: Commodore Corey Subject: The Upcoming Storming of the Bar Latte I concur. I am availble until 2300 tonight. Perhaps we should reschedule for another time, when it's convienient for you. My schedule is flexible. For Boozerama!!! ~~~END TRANSMISSION~~~ Quote Originally posted by General Engel: **Oh yeah, and, Corey? Try to keep Osama and all that stuff out of here, 'kay? ** Don't worry, I'd be the last person to bring that up... Oh, and does anyone know what the cheapest way to register a domain name is? I wanna register (url="http://"")<>(/url) and yes, I checked, and it's available. \------------------ Coreył (Cubed) Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its".
Lyra registered!
Or did she?
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its".(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-14-2001).)
Yeah, use homestead or netfirms or something... but they al require you giving your name, addres, and other stuff lik that... Otherwise I'd have one already! They're all free, you just don't get the benifits of their "premiere" stuff... The idea os to intice you to pay money. If anybody knows of a good company that does NOT require personel info, then please tell me. Thanx!
And Corey- I apoligize. I feel really bad here, 'cause I was realy stupid. It was OV who brought it up, not you. I'm sorry. And OV- please don't bring it up again. It causes problems like this one, and that b*****d is a truely horrible man. He does not DESERVE to be mentioned in BB. He does not DESERVE to replace Insano as a punching bag. That honor, lowly as it is, could NEVER be achieved by him.
{To, from, Re BS that I don't feel like typing right now) We are now at 2300 hours, Eastern Standered. How about you? Post a reply now, but make it soon, because lights out are at 11 at my dorm (take a metal note on that, everybody). Plus, at resiential time, we have to take a shower and stuff. So we must hurry. please post soon! (Lots of name BS that I don't feel like typing right now) ~~~END TRANSMISSION~~~