Lyra immediatly takes down the old sign, and replaces it with:
---------------------------Feed the Daemon! Only 500 Credits!------------------------------
However, Arrokee, seeing finacial gain in his future, adds:
--------------------------Feed the Daemon!Only 500,000,000 credits!------------------------
A soon as this is put up, a large crowd comes, giving Lyra money and Arookee Cheez-its. After the crowd disperses, lyra gives some money for a new bar, complete with:
Swimming pool
Work-out room
Duck Racing, Football, Basketball, (and other assorted sports) arenas
Ski Resort
Shooting Range
Acid pit (for executions)
Computer/Simulator room
Mission computer
Chess Hall
Full spa services
Schoolhouse (for future 'tenders)
Godiva stall
Outfitting station
And of course... a fully-functioning bar!
After all this, they split the barely-lessened winnigs in two. Lyra buys herself Panserbjorne-Armor (read the books to find out more) so she can never be hurt, and Arookee imediatly shapeshifts to a monkey (from a hawk), and then proceeds to hang Insano at the gallows, burn the gallows, all while shooting at him with a rapid-fire uzi. Then, he takes Insano's mangled ashes and places them in a solid-tritanium, 5 foot thick casing and throws it into the Acid pit (see above list) so he will be slowly inceneraated yet AGAIN (Arookee seems to be fond of incenerating Insano). Afterwards, he shapeshifts to a cat, and goes and falls asleep with Lyra sleeping next to him (it seems he also is fond of sleeping after incenerating Insano).