Originally posted by Macavenger:
**1 - And what is your chess club? A group of third graders?:p
Also, how do I know you're telling the truth about being club champ? Prove it. For me, you can ask shayborg or Akula (OctoberFost of these boards). Akula was generally considered the best player around here - at least until I beat him twice in two games a couple of days ago, and I had black both times.
2 - So? Who's everyone? You don't know where i live, t=other than the state, unless you happen to be someone I know hiding behind a screen name. And if you are someone I know, it's highly doubtful that you can beat me with any kind of consistency.
BTW, if you're a USCF member, you might be able to add some credibility by telling me your rating and giving me sufficient info to check that.
Oh, and to finish, I'm not attacking you here, this is called "You talk smack, I talk smack back."

Well... 1- My club is the club at work, so I can't give you proof there, and 2-, No, I'm not a member, but my rating on chessmaster was somwhere around 1000. once I download the player I'll challenge you to a match, OK?