Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Meanwhile, Luke and Corey are engaged in a brutal match. "Come with me to the Indigo Plateau!" says Corey. "I am your second cousin - twice removed!!!" "NOOOOO!!!" shouts Luke. "That's impossible!!!!" The dueling ensues. The outcome is in anyone's hands...
Corey lies on the floor with a stubbed toe, which Luke gave him by kicking his foot really hard during the spoon fight. "Ouch!" corey says repeatedly, as the King of Pepsi tries to seduce Luke to the Dark Side of Soda. "Never!" Luke shouts.
"Then," says the King of Pepsi with mock sadness, "You shall die."
"Aaaaaaaah!" Luke wails like a little girl as the King shoots blue-cold Pepsi through his fingers and at Luke.
"Cousin! Save me!" Luke shouts to corey.
(Eited: 500th post! Whoopee!)
Like my complaints area, corey? 
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(This message has been edited by Luke (edited 08-23-2001).)