You doubt the small explosion was a Lightning, eh?
"Well, you're wrong, I samcked right into a Lightning that had just come out of the Kestrel, the explosion was the Lightning blowing up, the even smaller explosion following that my Proton Turret exploding."
The Hunter restles with his controls, and barely is able to land his damaged Courier in the Boozerama area. He thanks the Salmon in the sky that he bought Fire Extinguisher, he takes out the FE and puts out his flaming craft
"Blasted stupid PiratePepsi Lightnings! He stripped off my Proton Turret and a good deal of armor!"
The Hunter hurries into the ship outfitting warehouse, and pays the Repair guy double as incentive to work faster, the Courier's shields and armor are repaired in 47 minutes, and it takes another 30 minutes to put on a new Proton turret, then The Hunter takes off in his Courier and lands back at the Bar
"The good thing about Couriers is that they're easy to repair."

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!