sigh If only I could play EV more often, I could try out the Scoutship. But anyway, to defend my beloved Courier (named the Hitandrun ) I'm not bad at arguing either. 
(QUOTE)Originally posted by Macavenger:
However, there are a couple issues outside the numbers that you haven't considered.
First, the Scoutship has a smaller target profile. In a head to head pass with an Argosy, for example, you'll take a lot more fire in the Scoutship.
Either that means that you'll get hit more in a Scoutship, or I didn't quite get that.
Additionally, you seem to have forgotten the fact that the Scoutship's shields recharge much quicker, so it's 35 is superior to the Courier's 40.
But once you get past the Scoutship's Shields it's probably dead, where as with the Courier, that's not the case.
Also, Missiles do much more damage to Armor than Shields, so they'll take down a Courier faster than a Scoutship.
See my last comment.
The Scoutship is faster and more manuverable, and with the performance upgrades flies like a fighter.
I never claimed that the Scoutship wasn't faster and more manuverable. This is understandable since it's built to hold less cargo.
The turret slot on the Courier is, IMHO, mostly useless. I've found that one turret doesn't make a significant difference, you need at least 2. By contrast, the 3 Lasers I usually put on my Scout do a lot of damage.
I think that my two lasers and a proton turret (isn't it nice not have to aim it) outgun your three lasers. IMO.
Finally, if you think your Courier is so hot, go hunt down and disable a Corvette in it. I love to see Pirate Corvettes in my Scoutship, because I know that's just another 100,000 or so toward a Corvette of my own. Good luck, you'll need it.
It helps that you're probably 5 times the pilot I am as well. Since I've beenn playing EV for only about 15 days.
Anyway, I believe the Courier is good enough to idsable a Corvette, but I'm going to have to improve my combat skills before I can do it myself. For now I'l prey on Pirate Clippers and Argosies while I pretend to be a non-violent trader. 
The general opinion around the boards is that Couriers are ok if you're going to be doing Cargo missions around the Core Worlds, but if you're seeing any significant combat, you want a Scoutship. A few disagree, but not many.
My belief is that the Courier is a better combat ship that most people think,(and it's an excellent trading ship) and besides, it's a nice stepping stone so I can get the Corvette on the other side of the river.
The Defense rests.

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!