Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
As you can see, KK is out of BFS II.
Sorry to see you go, you maintained a very high post quality
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
It was a valiant effort, Skyblade, but BFS II became what I feared it would (chaos) faster than I feared.
Well, the only "real" way to stop chaos is to have a mod who isn't playing (and can dedicate time to it)
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
The rules are not comprehensive enough. (If they were, nobody would bother reading the four pages of rules. Nobody would play.)
Very true
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
The Mods and Map cannot keep up with all the variables coming at them -- from some pretty creative ideas of the players.
That is human nature, abstract thought
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
The Pirates are throttled down by the Mods for doing only what their lesser powered, lesser sheilded, but faster ships allow -- striking quickly.
You must admit they allowed almost no time for the HC to respond
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
The Aliens are having to invent themselves as they try to play. Really tough to do!
Yes, as we, unfortunately, know nothing of them from the game
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
The HC players seem to expect that just because they ARE the HC, their victory is a "given".
How has that manifested itself?
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
Naturally, we each want "glory," but it has gotten ... absurd. (My brief post, KK takes over the whole galaxy, was an attempt to point out how crazy it had all become. Kudos to you all for not over-reacting to that post.)
Yes, way too much domination
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
There also seems to be an "AI / Interactive" dilemma being demonstrated: ("If I can dominate a planet with my single ship in EV, this huge fleet makes me invincible!" must be lingering in the minds of each of us.)
Because we are basing this off EV, and that's how it is in EV
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
I cannot criticize the Aliens. I have not studied their ships and technology enough to do so....
Macavenger was quite fair, much more than I or anyone else
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
UE Crusader doesn't fight fair against enemy fleets -- in terms of damage to his own fleet. (I wonder if he's fought so many AI battles, that he assumes his opponents would fight as stupidly as the AI?)
I think he is angry for not being able to control the pirates, or wants to have an easy battle
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
General Rak fights quite fairly -- I mean that -- but he does not travel fair. In less than 45 minutes "thread time," he covered two-thirds of the galaxy!?? And he is rewarded for this by being promoted to Mod. (Which, BTW Rak, I bet that within 2 days you will see it as "punishment". Hee-hee!)
Thanks for the compliment. And I traveled so fast because every half an hour the pirates took another world. I was reacting to them. I, unfortunately, have a feeling the thread will end very soon because of all the unstable structure
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
Pirates: We must admit we each gave ourselves pretty light losses in taking the planets we captured. (See "AI / Interactive dilemma," above.)
Finally, a pirate admits wrong doing. KK really does have some integrity.
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
As I previously posted, Skyblade, you really got me JAZZED for EVN with this BFS II game. Thank you!!! "If" EVN ever is released, the above absurdities will be constrained.
EVN will be a lot of fun 
Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence
(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)