Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Well, if you were familiar with the original alien vessels of Escape Velocity, you would already realize they had amazing shield recharge.:p
Well, the fighters did, but I wouldn't call the Cruiser "amazing". Good, maybe.
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Alright, maybe the amazing numbers of torpedoes carried by one hundred turreted torpedo launchers is quite a whallop, but hey, we hardly have any carriers is service with the Human Confederation Navy. Both sides have their strong points and weak points, and the HC happens to have the biggest capital vessel with immense firepower.
Well, huge capital ships with overwhelming firepower also have overwhelming cost. Aren't you the one who figured this would take a couple of years to build with ordinary effort?
Originally posted by Sattomax:
If thats not logical, I don't know what is. If you have more objections, please explain them in detail, for I am a little confused.
Well, perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions, but a ship with a weapon called a Homing Nuclear Rocket sounds like it packs a lot of firepower. :rolleyes: Also, there's this new "Two-headed" thing, you're going to pay for that. Again, I can't give you a final price until you give me damage ratings on that HNR.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com