I finished repricing all the ships.
This si probably the only time since the beginning that I wish I was in the HC, because this would be far easier that way.
The HC has got the worst of the repricing, and the Aliens have the best of it.
I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this, so two things before you do. First, please do it by e-mail, because I don't want to clog up this topic with flames and my replies. Second, before you do, I challenge anyone who is upset about these prices to sit down with all the relevant stats and play around with the prices for an hour to an hour and a half, like I did. If you've done that and send me what you think afterwards, you'll have a much higher chance of being taken seriously. However, these prices are pretty well final, so you're going to need a really good reason to get me to change my mind.
For the HC, the news is pretty much all bad.
The pirates are probably going to be upset about the prices on their favorite toys, but this should make sense, you pirates like them because they're good, and good ships cost more. OTOH, you'll be happy with some old standbys like the Corvette and especially Kestrel.
News is mostly good for the Aliens, and this is a large part of the reason I'm expecting flames. I think Skyblade must have a higher estimation of the power of our beams than I do.
There are two ships in particular that I expect massive objections to price from their governments, so let me say a couple things about those here.
Human Confederation Carrier: 150,000,000
Let me first state my conviction that, if anything, this ship may still be underpriced. I don't feel I can jack it up any higher though, and it is close.
I also think we need to be treating this thing differently in combat, it's far more dangerous then we give it credit for. It costs more than 3 times as much as a repriced Alien Battlecruiser (45 mil), but it could take 3 down in a straight fight without fighters(Neither comes with fighters), taking Moderate to Heavy damage. If you think about damage rates and shielding numbers, you can work this out for yourself.
Pirate/Renegade Siege Carrier: 65,000,000
First, if you look at the repriced fighters, you'll realize that over 50,000,000 of this is just for the 48 "fighters" it comes with. X-Rapiers and Starscreamers are hardly fighters, based on their power. Don't complain aboutt he fact that it costs more than an Alien Battlecruiser either, because the fighters carry more than enough punch to take one.
New prices for ships are listed, and I've put the old prices are shown next to them in parentheses for convenience. So, especially for people who will be buying ships soon, see the new (url="http://"http://members.home.net/e-gamerguy1/ev/bfs2/ShipPriceIndex.html")Ship Price Index(/url).
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com