Originally posted by Insano:
**What do you mean don't post battles? You do it all the time, Macavenger. I do believe that two of my s and the destruction of one alien cruiser is the result of your posting of battles. If I can't do it, then you don't do it either. Please, someone post Boozerama Bar 3. I can't do it because I ain't registered. Ok, here goes.
Insano gets 4 alien cruisers and equips them with 3 heavy fusion turrets each. He uses many mass expansions so that he has no cargo space but much room for weapons. Insano equips all of them with tritanium armor and new, very illegal cloaking tech. Haha, alien cruisers ain't so easy to kill now, huh?**
Let me rephrase my earlier statement: No single post battles. No one post is the standard way I've seen it written, but since you didn't get it... 
I'm curious to know where you think you're getting Heavy Fusion Turrets and advanced Cloaking Devices. I'm afraid that only the rebellion has that tecnology available, and they wouldn't sell it to an alien like you. Being a rebel Admiral, it's more generally available to me. I'm also not trying to say I'm the only one who can have it, there are a few people who are also rebel admirals who could, but they aren't here. :frown: You can have the Tritanium, not that that will make much difference. 
Since Luke never made any moves to defend his theatre, the Rebel demolition squad continues firing at the stilts. With the structure wobbling, it has become something of a piΕata type game, everyone taking turns and seeing who can knock it down. The third in commandfinally wins, finishing off two stilts in one turn. The whole theatre then comes chashing down.
The squad returns to the bar to finish off the kegs they brought with them.
And Insano, what's your problem with Boozerama Bar 2 here? It's too long? Not! Battle for Sol thread that I'm in is 6 pages now, approaching 7. Don't worry about it.
Almost doesn't count, but barely does.
"The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house."
- Jeff Foxworthy