Peter Spectre was working in his office on New Province when the call came through. He had been secretly spying for the Atinoda corporation on Astex activities. It was him that had stolen Stardock Macabre's blueprints from the astex vault. And it was also him who had thuroughly documented the MoD's schedule. It was also him that had discovered astex's secret plan to take over Atinoda, and the confederation's newest superweapon. But now, it was time to go for the final piece... the only working prototype of the Quantum Accelorater.
--- --- ---
Grabbing his heavy neutron blaster, he departed for wearhouse 15AF. Inside, a special force of 200 top mercenaries. Also docked in the port were 8 kestrel-Ds and 15 corvettes. He instructed them to wait outside until they recieved his signal. He took along 1 magnum grenade. Entering the building, he was confronted by several guards. His ID allowed him to pass. Inside, he ran right to the special vault. Using extremely advanced methods of deception, he was able to gain access to a room only 10 people in the galaxy knew about. He carefully extracted the magnum grenade and placed it in a special reactor duct. The time limit read 10 minutes. He activated it. Immediately to his right was the prototype. He grabbed it, and placed it in his overcoat.
--- --- ---
As soon as he exited the building, he flashed a light from under his coat. Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the ground, knocking him off his feet. The entire warehouse in which the mercenaries were expoded in a brilliant flash. A confed dropship was pouring out marines right on top of him...
Confederation Marines were everywhere, securing the area. Since Peter Spectre didn't appear to be an obvious suspect at first, he was safe for the moment. As Spectre began running for the docking bay, a few Confederation marines noticed how hasty he was to get off the planet. They began chasing him, yelling at him to halt. Spectre responded with his neutron blaster, killing two of the guards. The Marines all over the area now realized who the fugitive was, and began chasing after him, firing proton rifles at the same time. Just before Spectre reached the doorway of his ship, a proton beam ripped through his back, knocking him to the ground and killing him instantly. His crew rushed out of the ship with proton beams flying everywhere, and dragged his body into the ship. Minutes later, the fleet was blasting off New Providence. The only problem was, a Confederation fleet was blockading the planet. The mercenary fleet would have to run the blackade or destroy it.
~Captain SkybladeCEO of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) -
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Ship Computer - Atinoda CR-22E Superkestrel - Admiral Rak
- - - - - - - - - -
300 Kestrels
1000 Lightnings
100 Ospreys
150 Class D Kestrels
- - - - - - - - - -
**This fleet is not my fleet, It is the only other Atinoda fleet. Currently defending the Adhara system. My fleet is as follows-
200 Kestrels
1 SuperKestrel
800 Lightnings
400 Rapiers
300 CorvettesI donated the rapier carriers, as well as some other ships, to the rebels. For experimentation.
Admiral Rak depart with his fleet to head to New Cydonia.
---- ------ ----
When he arrives, the system is completely deserted. A gorund scan reveals only 100000 people on the planets surface. Just then, an emergency hail comes in from Lethe.Help! Huge pir... (boom) ...donian fleet attack... (ship being boared) ....Lethe (screams of people being murdered).
Immediately, Rak departs for Lethe
--- --- ---
Dr. Keystone heard that message as well, and has diverted his fleet to Lethe.
--- --- ---
As soon as Rak enters the system, his scanner is flooded with dead lethean hulls being boarded by the pirates. But before anyone can react, a huge force of 500 kestrels jumps in from lethe. They begin pouring fire upon Rak's fleet. Rak returns fire with all the ammo his ship has. Both sides keep launching torpedoes. Soon they will hit...
--- --- ---
Adam Jutice watched as his fleet jumped into the Lethe system. A huge battle is already in progress. However, a large pirate fleet was creeping up on Rak's fleet from behind, taking advantage of the confusion. Before they could inflict much damage, Jutice's fleet ground them to a halt with heavy rocket fire.
--- --- ---
As the waves of torpedoes began hitting the battel fleets, the pirates were completely destroyed. Rak's fleet sustained moderate damage, but the now renamed RNS Superior got hit especially hard.
--- --- ---
Battle report
Pirates- Completely wiped out
- - - - - - - - -
100 Kestrels
1 SuperKestrel (Heavily Damaged)
750 Lightnings
300 Rapiers
150 Corvettes
- - - - - - - - - -
23rd Rebel Warfleet
- - - - -
1 Supercruiser
48 class "D" cruisers
95 assault carriers
190 destroyers
97 Firefoxes
599 Mantas
314 Star Cobras
- - - - - - - - - -
31st Rebel Warfleet
- - - - -
1 Supercruiser
29 class "D" cruisers
46 assault carriers
167 destroyers
75 Firefoxes
250 Mantas
150 Star Cobras
--- --- ---
Rak's personal fleet and the other Atinoda fleet have now merged. Here is the new fleet stats-
400 Kestrels
1 SuperKestrel (Heavily Damaged)
1750 Lightnings
300 Rapiers
150 Corvettes
100 Ospreys
150 Class D Kestrels
--- --- ---
As he lands at Palshife, Rak asks whether he can buy a supercuiser to replace his superkestrel. If not can he use Palshife ship yards to repair the RNS Superior. Also, he is going to be consolidating Atinoda corp from his new office on palshife, and he is putting Dr. Keystone Macheyra in command of his and the rebel's forces.
--- ---- ---
ISN Network- Atinoda corporation today purchased a shipyard and outfitting depot on Palshife, and is relocating it headquarters there. In an odd move, Atinoda Corp, now known as Rak Enterprises, bought out CDX starworks for $50 billion. -
As soon as he got out of the planet's atmosphere, the XO of the Ghoul decided to run the blockade. Realizing his puny lightning wouldn't last against even a a pack of gunboats, he had no choice. He jammed on the afterburner and almost made it into hyperspace. But before he could get out of the system a particle turret ripped through his cockpit, saughtering him instantly. However, the craft itself DID make it into hyperspace. But when it jumped into mentos, only the escape pod survived. Inside, was the waepons prototype...
Lewis Riker listened to Admiral Rak's request. "So you want a supercruiser? That's not going to be easy..."
"Why is that?" Came the Admiral's reply. "The Rebellion seems to have a few in service."
"That may be correct," Riker responded, "but the supercruisers that are available are currently flooded with missions and tasks, and we can't just go and give you one. However, should you return in the next month, we will give the next supercruiser being built by the RAC to your command."
~Captain SkybladeCEO of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) -
Originally posted by General Rak:
**Peter Spectre was working in his office on New Province when the call came through. He had been secretly spying for the Atinoda corporation on Astex activities. It was him that had stolen Stardock Macabre's blueprints from the astex vault. And it was also him who had thuroughly documented the MoD's schedule. It was also him that had discovered astex's secret plan to take over Atinoda, and the confederation's newest superweapon. But now, it was time to go for the final piece... the only working prototype of the Quantum Accelorater.
**The feds dont control New Providence, the rebels do. I doubt the feds would conceal a superweapon on a rebel planet, even if Astex is protecting it.
But i wouldnt complain if you wanted to give it back.=========================================================================================
President ErsadtSF stood on the bridge of his heavily upgraded Osprey, the Enforcer. The Enforcer was situated in orbit around Earth, at the back of a confederation warfleet.
"Sir," shouted the sensor officer,"rebel crusier exiting hyperspace!"
As the cruiser came into view, the president received a private message from TNY:
"Mr. President, the prototype Interceptor and Missileboat have been completed. Sir , you must see what we have accompli-"
"Not now....ill be there later." he replied.
Looking at a weapons display, the president noticed something unusual about the cruiser - its gun ports were closed.
"Hold your fire!" he told the fleet.
ErsadtSF's osprey approached the cruiser, gun ports closed, and attempted to open a comm channel.....
These are the stats for the new fighters, which will be entering production as soon as they are approved by the president:--Interceptor--
Speed, accel, turn: same as manta
Weapon Space:5 tons
Cargo:1 ton
Armament:4 swivel range-enhanced proton cannons, 1 missile rack + 6 missiles, 1 flare launcher and 50 decoy flares.--Missileboat--
Speed, accel, turn: same as patrol ship
Weapon Space:15 tons
Cargo:1 ton
Armament:6 swivel range-enhanced proton cannons, 2 missile racks and 12 missiles, 1 rocket launcher and 6 heavy rockets, 1 flare launcher and 50 decoy flares.Note: these are intended to replace the patrol ship and gunboat.
EDIT-Another Note: im assuming the rebels control Eridani, Centauri, and Rigel.
If its not forced, ill do it!(This message has been edited by ErsadtSF (edited 07-28-2001).)
Originally posted by ErsadtSF:
**The feds dont control New Providence, the rebels do. I doubt the feds would conceal a superweapon on a rebel planet, even if Astex is protecting it.
But i wouldnt complain if you wanted to give it back.
**Fine, then change the location to Mars. And the ejection location to Barnard.
--- --- ---
ISN Network- In a press conference today, the President of the fraying confederation released an anouncement that a new class of fighter is being introduced to combat the rebels.In contrast to that statement, a representative of Rak Enterprises said a new class of devastating warship, the Bird of Prey class, was being built. And it's target, fighters...
They are also entering in production of Rapier Carriers. Weilding awesome power, these ships will replace rapier production.
All production of argosies will go offline, and instead will be replaced by modified rebel F cruisers, carrying 10 avengers.
Replacing the defender is a highly ambitious ship, the avenger. More powerful than a defender, more manueverable than a lightning, these ships are equipped with an astounding 5 flak cannons. Detail on these to be disclosed...
Furthermore, that same corporation (which recently purchased CDX Starworks) is undergoing a complete restructering. Its resources will be dedicated to the following-
14% Kestrel-Ds
1% Superkestrels
15% Rapier Carriers
30% Bird of Preys
10% Avenger Cruisers
30% Avengers
=== === ===
As you can see, the avengers will clearly own alien fighters.
The bird of preys can counter any confed fighter threat.
The rapier carriers provide deadly long range supporting fire.
Superkestrels as flagships.
Kestrel-D's as general purpose ships. -
Keystone entered Navarones office, sat down, and asked him what his orders were
=== === ===
Spec on some of the ships:Ship Name: Atinoda Rapier Carrier
Cost: 12.00 million creditsSpeed: 225
Accel: Poor
Turn: Average
Shields: 100
Armor: 150
Guns: Maximum of 1
Turrets: Maximum of 1
Space: 0 tons
Cargo: 65 tons
Fuel: 7 jumps
Length: 80 m
Mass: 230 tons
Crew: 212Standard weapons:
2 Torpedo Launcher + 100 Torpedos
1 Proton Turret
1 Flak Cannon
4 Rapiers
1 Flare Rack + 50 Flares
1 Missile Jammer
Ship Name: CDX F-23 Avenger
Cost: 200,000 creditsSpeed: 250
Accel: Very Good
Turn: Excellent
Shields: 30
Armor: 75
Guns: Maximum of 5
Turrets: None
Space: 0 tons
Cargo: 0 tons
Fuel: 0 jumps
Length: 9 m
Mass: 10 tons
Crew: 1Standard weapons:
5 Flak Cannons
1 Missile Jammer
1 Flare Rack + 50 Flares
Ship Name: Atinoda Bird of Prey
Cost: 9 Million CreditsSpeed: 300
Accel: Good
Turn: Average
Shields: 700
Armor: 500
Guns: Maximum of 5
Turrets: Maximum of 4
Space: 0 tons
Cargo: 60 tons
Fuel: 7 jumps
Length: 70 m
Mass: 220 tons
Crew: 97Standard weapons:
2 Whacker Missile Launchers + 50 Missiles
2 Proton Turrets
2 Flak Turrets
1 Missile Jammer
2 Javelin Pod + 500 Javelin Rockets
2 Lightnings Fighter-Bombers
1 Flare Rack + 50 Flares
Ship Name: Atinoda Kestrel-D
Cost: 12.00 million creditsSpeed: 225
Accel: Average
Turn: Average
Shields: 250
Armor: 300
Guns: Maximum of 6
Turrets: Maximum of 4
Space: 0 tons
Cargo: 80 tons
Fuel: 7 jumps
Length: 80 m
Mass: 230 tons
Crew: 196Standard weapons:
2 Torpedo Launcher + 50 Torpedos
2 Missile Racks + 10 Missiles
4 Proton Turrets
2 Lightning Fighters-Bombers
1 Flare Rack + 50 Flares
1 Missile Jammer
Ship Name: Rebel Avenger Carrier
Cost: 16.00 Million CreditsSpeed: 200
Accel: Average
Turn: Poor
Shields: 600
Armor: 400
Guns: Maximum of 7
Turrets: Maximum of 4
Space: 0 tons
Cargo: 60 tons
Fuel: 6 jumps
Length: 200 m
Mass: 850 tons
Crew: 527Standard weapons:
2 Missile Racks + 20 Missiles
3 Proton Turrets
1 Flak Turret
10 Avenger Light Fighters
1 Rocket Launcher + 8 Heavy Rockets
2 Topedo Launchers + 45 Torpedoes
----------------- -
Originally posted by ErsadtSF:
**The feds dont control New Providence, the rebels do. I doubt the feds would conceal a superweapon on a rebel planet, even if Astex is protecting it.
But i wouldnt complain if you wanted to give it back.
**Incorrect. The Rebellion never took New Providence. My fleet destroyed Antares Station and the Astex mines on New Providence because we thought a Confederate lab was there, but the system was never captured by the Rebels.
I may update David's map sometime and load it on my webspace, so we all have a clear idea of what's happening. The Confederation currently has the Sol, Pollux, Barnard, Antares, Procyon, Vega, and Regulus systems, plus military outposts at Alcyon and Castor. Polaris has joined the AoIW, and Matar, Rigel, Eridani, Sirius, Centauri, Rigel, Capella, and Tau Ceti have all been capured by the Rebels.
Admiral Macavenger led his fleet on a raid smilar to the one on Evildrome, attacking New Antigua. The pirates were better prepared, but their fleet couldn't match the Supercruisers. So, New Antigua was torched just as Evildrome had been, and the pirates weree reduced to one effective base.
Satisfed, Macavenger ran his fleet back to the core systems, and prepared to renew the offensive against the Confederation. The enemies of the Rebellion were dropping like flies these days... Of course, he didn't know about the Aliens yet.
Almost doesn't count, but barely does.
"The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house."
- Jeff Foxworthy -
Alright everyone, we're going to close this topic off now. Before you get mad at me however, refer to the new "Battle for Sol: Episode Two" person form to register for the coming sequel.
~Captain Skyblade(url="http://" &forum;=Escape+Velocity+web+board&number;=6")-The Unfinished War-(/url) | (url="http://"")Map(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url) -
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Incorrect. The Rebellion never took New Providence. My fleet destroyed Antares Station and the Astex mines on New Providence because we thought a Confederate lab was there, but the system was never captured by the Rebels.
**Okay, original script kept.
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**the pirates weree reduced to one effective base.
**Not necessarily true. Privateers Haven is but with a few argosies for defense.
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Satisfed, Macavenger ran his fleet back to the core systems, and prepared to renew the offensive against the Confederation.
**Um, isn't Admiral Skyblade on a diplomatic summit?
=== === ===
The homing beacon on the escape pod quickly summoned a kestrel recovery ship. The prototype was then taken to Liberty Station. Finally, the prototype was complete.The weapon weighed in at 150 tons, but was meant to be mounted on a dedicated platform. It fired an energy surge every 10 seconds, and each surged vaporized 400 shield. It only destroys 100 armor, but instantly disables any ship when its status reaches under 175 armour. It was then retrofitted to one of the 4 kestrel-d patrol craft. The time was ripe...
--- --- ---
It had been a good day for this pirate kestrel. He had secured 500K credits and currently carried 50 tons of medical supplies. Suddenly, 4 independent kestrel-d's jumped in...
--- --- ---
Before the pirate even reacted, a huge flash came out of the tip of one of the kestrels. It surged through the pirate, and completely disabled his ship. A well placed torpedo shot finished off the tyrant. This weapon would work very well. If only they could improve it.
=== === ===
Just for clarification- The Kestrel-D is the military grade kestrel sold to bounty hunters and independent governments. It is currently in service with REMF (Rak Enterprises Military Force) and rebellion. It is a downgraded osprey. -
"Alright everyone, we're going to close this topic off now. Before you get mad at me however, refer to the new "Battle for Sol: Episode Two" person form to register for the coming sequel.
~Captain Skyblade(url="http://" &forum;=Escape+Velocity+web+board&number;=6")-The Unfinished War-(/url) | (url="http://"")Map(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url) -
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Ahem"Alright everyone, we're going to close this topic off now. Before you get mad at me however, refer to the new "Battle for Sol: Episode Two" person form to register for the coming sequel.
Sorry, my post took a while, so you posted in the interim while I was composing my post. I have already posted on the other webstory, and will cease with this one.
Originally posted by General Rak:
**Sorry, my post took a while, so you posted in the interim while I was composing my post. I have already posted on the other webstory, and will cease with this one.**
Alright, I completely understand.
Moderators: Please feel free to close this topic.
~Captain Skyblade(url="http://" &forum;=Escape+Velocity+web+board&number;=6")-The Unfinished War-(/url) | (url="http://"")Map(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url) -
Um.. this thread hasn't ended. Does there not have to be a final battle for Sol that ends this thread. It's not just for continutiy's sake, but for the fact that a plugin's being made for this.
God bless,
UE Patriot
"Turn me over, I'm done on this side."- St. Lawerence at his martyrdom
"The glory of God is man fully alive"- St. Iraeneus
Voinian lovers are ignorant of the UE marines taking over Borb Station.
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUE.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url): Get it today! -
The plug is currently in limbo, and the topic got very long and confused, so it would have been hard to finish it anyway. We decided to kill this topic and start the new one.
Almost doesn't count, but barely does.
"The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house."
- Jeff Foxworthy -
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**The plug is currently in limbo, and the topic got very long and confused, so it would have been hard to finish it anyway. We decided to kill this topic and start the new one.**
Correct. We could come back and finish it someday, however...
Now I really wish I were a mod here at the EV webboard, so I could atleast close this topic off.
-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)