I downloaded the plug-in WintheWar but am having trouble decompressing it because it is in the .cpt format. What utility should I use and can someone send one compressed in the .hqx or .sit format to zeus95@yahoo.com?
I downloaded the plug-in WintheWar but am having trouble decompressing it because it is in the .cpt format. What utility should I use and can someone send one compressed in the .hqx or .sit format to zeus95@yahoo.com?
when i saw the subject, i thought you were talking about porn.
anyway, what expander are you using now?
riot tonight, everybody lets go!
Originally posted by antihero:
**when i saw the subject, i thought you were talking about porn.
Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
Originally posted by MiG:
**I downloaded the plug-in WintheWar but am having trouble decompressing it because it is in the .cpt format. What utility should I use and can someone send one compressed in the .hqx or .sit format to zeus95@yahoo.com?
Aladdin Stuffit Expandar 5.1 will uncompress .cpt files. Get it at (url="http://"http://www.aladdinsys.com")www.aladdinsys.com(/url) (they seem to be on v6.0 now)
Well I am using Stuffit but I cannot use Expander 6 because it is for MacOS 8 and I am only on 7.5.5.
Just about any version of StuffIt Expander should be able to decompress Compact Pro (.cpt) files, although some older versions will only do it if you have DropStuff installed. Failing that, you should be able to find a copy of Compact Pro itself on a shareware site somewhere.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)
Compact Pro is available here: (url="http://"http://www.cyclos.com/compactpro.htm")http://www.cyclos.com/compactpro.htm(/url)
GIJew, the real American Hebrew - Aunt Bea's Marauders