Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
      Come on. Please note "why" you think the plug is good; don't just vote.


      New Horizons is a total conversion. It has excellent graphics, an intriguing storyline, plus lots of interesting ships. And it's more realistic, in that carrier ships now carry scores of fighters. You have to fight fire with fire - your fighter now stands no chance whatsoever against a carrier unlike in classic EV. Even if you outrun the 30+ missiles the fighters launch, you can't get close to the carrier - the turrets have very long range and will quickly pulverize your fighter. Outstanding music, too - many planets have unique music. The time spent in making this conversion is obvious - there's even a Quicktime movie trailer. Well worth a look.

      Galactic Scourge is a plug-in, and is great fun. It extends the EV universe a good deal, has many new ships (which blend well with the existing ones), and a well-connected plot. Lots of funny inside jokes about the aerospace research industry too, since it was written by a bunch of NASA people.

      Pale is a plug-in, and very well-made. Good plots, many nice new ships, fairly challenging missions. Rather understated, but works very well as an addition to EV. Improved game physics (lasers move faster, mass drivers more effective).

      NH, GS and Pale are all graphically consistent with the original top-down graphics of EV, something I like a lot. Each is also bug-free (or has a fix available). And the missions have an engaging storyline. Forced to a vote, I'd put GS ahead, but only by a hair.


    • I like Galactic Scourge, since I have only played two. I like it because it has cool new ships, and the missions have a lot of humor. Like the one tied to New Cydonia.

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
      **I like Galactic Scourge, since I have only played two. I like it because it has cool new ships, and the missions have a lot of humor. Like the one tied to New Cydonia.


      Some of those missions have you rolling on the floor. 🙂 And as for the ship graphics, they are good. I especially like Rebel Sentinel and Dreadnaught.

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
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    • Well, this topic has inspired me to start downloading and trying TCs. Got New Horizons right now. I've played it for only 2-3 hours, but it's absolutely awesome. I don't want to vote for it yet, because I haven't tried many others yet, but everything else is going to have a big hurdle to climb. 🙂

      So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!

    • (quote)Originally posted by Macavenger:
      **Well, this topic has inspired me to start downloading and trying TCs. Got New Horizons right now. I've played it for only 2-3 hours, but it's absolutely awesome. I don't want to vote for it yet, because I haven't tried many others yet, but everything else is going to have a big hurdle to climb.;) ). Awesome graphics that I've seen few developers surpass...

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

    • Maybe, but graphics never have been anything near my prime consideration in what makes a good game/plug.

      So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!

    • a few comments

      the star wars one had cool graphics which made it fun to fly in.
      however, the problemos were that there were too many hostile attacks (from what i've seen), there were too many extreme things there (one ship can be 100x better than another), and of course must of this plugin is adding ships, weapons and changing the universe, but a main atmosphere addon has no yet been developed (c'mon a rebel can fly a tiefighter and vise versa, it ruins the alignment to either sides, plus the lack of star wars missions - i miss rebel smuggling heh) ... however it's still one of the coolest plugins i've seen around. (needs to be more serious though for normal play)

      the EVGE was the first plugin i tried out, however since i've began it i've noticed the 10k missions turned to be really hard (probably the author's intentions, i thought to myself) i've decided to check those 35k missions the plugin added, to my sick surprise the first run was in the same system (from earth to mars, how pathetic), the other ones i did never went more than 3 jumps away on the ultra-safe confedaration space. this happened after i saved hard for my cool centurion and it totally ruined my game by having enough cash for upgrade after half an hour of gameplay (gameplay yeah right) ...

      GS wasn't serious enough for a vote, and as for Pale it was way to political for me, i want to join a hollow side i don't care about what goes beyond the war, humans are ussually stupid anyway and you can certainly avoid their stupid reasons in a rebel-empire game like EV ...

      yeah i know that leaves me with all my pilot files in the trash-bin ... i have seen the startup screen way too many times, maybe it is just me and i've missed something here, but from what i've seen EV unplugged is the only form playable, so the EV-Targeter gets my vote here (yeah at least one plugin that actually works right)


      long lives murphy world (oops did i say something wrong ????)


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Macavenger:
      **Maybe, but graphics never have been anything near my prime consideration in what makes a good game/plug.


      But if you think about it, would you play a plugin that had terrible graphics? Few may realize it, but graphics play an important part in a plugin's success...

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)