Originally posted by Cazic Thule:
**I never used any of those ships, so I'll just make a completely unhelpful post. Which reminds me of a joke...
A man was flying in a helicopter and somehow got lost. Finally finding civilization, he held out a sign on which he had written "Where am I?" while flying beside a skyscraper. The people inside the building in the building held up a responding sign which read "You are in a helicopter." The man immediately knew that this was a Micro$oft building, as they issued a technically correct, but completely unhelpful answer.
note I've only heard this joke once and it was not recently, so the blanks in my memory were filled in impromptu.
Could you please refrain from diliberatly getting off topic in the future?
Most people would just lower your karma, but you probably didn't know any better.
Try and stay on topic on the EV and EVO boards. There is a banter and brawl board for discussing off topics 
mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy | zergess@yahoo.com
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus