First Ill defend my country, then the Rebellion.
Someone said the USA gained independance because they were fighting for a good cause. I was about to answer that was the France who helped but Loki said so before me. Thanks, Loki.
You said too that we would be upset if ever an US soldier would kill a Chinese in France; yes, we would, and we would please USA to kill Chinese on open sea.
Cable_guy said:
**and the rebels to the allies (except France... they did nothing).
It seems theres only Americans and a bit of Englishmen to argue here, so I will defend the honour of France: We have made what we could have made, and more; thats only because you both are past seas that you havent been invaded. We were ruled by bad politicians that didnt have the idea of attacking Germany and did not prepare for the war, thats why France has been invaded. And once we were invaded, what could we do? Resist. We resisted. My grand-father in june 40 hasnt even had the possibility of fighting, he were already surrounded by Nazis forces. He was captured. He escaped. He was a resistant. Resistance helped when Americans landed on France (moreover you owed us that, remember La Fayette) by cutting supplies damaging the railways, they liberated all the southwest of France without an American, they helped knowing the Atlantic wall. You may say that you have come to liberate France and that costed you much soldiers. I agree. But you couldnt have landed directly in Germany, it would have been pratically impossible, and costed you much more soldiers. So France was useful as a base for you to attack Hitler. Its a pity that there were so much collaborators, but there would also have some in United Kingdom if it had fallen. You couldnt dispise France that way. JE SUIS FRANCAIS ET FIER DE LETRE! Okay, argument over.
You have talked about the relationship between pirates and the rebellion. I will tell you the plausible story of EV before EV:
At the beginning of the rebellion, when planets begun freeing themselves under the banner of the Rebellion, many pirates joined them, because they were pirates not by evilness, but because they wanted to be against the feds; they formed the first forces of the rebellion. Moreover there were pirates, while being free and not directly in the rebellion, that were associated to rebel operations against the Confederacy. But that not lasted very long (approximately 5 years) because pirates wanted to plunder ships, while the rebels wanted to finish them off as quickly as possible. But, still, the Rebels didnt attacked pirates, they were always friends. 8 or 7 years before we come into the universe (reminder : we come 15 years after the rebellion started) the Confederacy understood that even if they crushed the Rebellion with the remaining fleet of the great war (the one that now defends Earth, Luna, Stardock Alpha, Mars and Ruby) the Rebellion would start again from another point (these far away systems are hard to keep), then the Confederacy would crush it again, then the Rebellion would restart, etc and eventually the fleet would be exhausted and the Confederacy would loose (when you build ships to defend humanity, you work better than building ships to kill you far-away friends, so the Confederacy couldnt have kept up with the Rebels). So the Confederacy (they are not as dumb as you may believe ) evacuated all these far away systems the rebellion hasnt already freed, forming much of the current independant worlds (very few are, like Levo, free since the beginning) that have not for the most part joined the rebellion because they believed that they freed themselves, and the Confederacy concentrated their forces on the current Confederate worlds (and let some of their ships to Ruby, that is here because it must stay a secret for the Confederacy population), hoping to defend themselves until the war get stuck. Thats why the rebels do not capture one planet while we play (furthermore the independat worlds barrier makes attacks more problematic, as it is perfect for defense), thats why the situation is described by no end is in sight. But the plan had a problem : to maintain their image of crime repressors, the Confederacy still needed to strike the pirates in their coves, which was very difficult because of the rebel systems to cross and the distance between Confederate worlds and pirates worlds. Thats why the Confederacy made many speeches and statements to denounce the Rebellion ally of the crime. Furthermore therre were some problems between the Rebellion and the pirates : the Rebellion hires independant captains to move good from one world to one another, and if a pirate incidentally plunder a ship with rebellion godds, he should give them back to the rebellion and he is forgived. But some greedy pirates stole these goods and didnt give them back to the Rebellion. It caused many problems between the Rebellion and the pirates and the Rebellion, under the pressure of its population and the hired traders, has eventually decided to declare war on pirates. Instantly the Confederacy pratically stopped its attacks against the pirates, and blockaded its worlds against the Rebellion. It has happened approximately 2 or 3 years before we come into the universe.
The rebels systems are less defended than confed ones: it's because the Confederacy uses the former against-alien fleet to defend their planets, and the Confederacy is more on the defensive, while the Rebellion has just a starting fleet, is more on the offensive, and less fears a domination by pirates.
Someone said the Rebellion has not all the destroyer it may want, because CDX Starworks sell them to it. Its false! The rebellion builds destroyer itself, and only the design was based on these of the Argosy, given by defecting CDX Starworks engineers.
And, at last, here is what I said about Geneva Conventions:
(from here, I'm inventing) The Geneva conventions were trown away during the Great War against the aliens, because aliens, of course, didn't know them so it was impossible for the Humans to follow them, while the aliens don't.
Just as the Rebellion began, the confederacy tried to make some new Geneva conventions; they were called "new Britain conventions", and they were clearly biaised: it interdicted to attack freighters until the attacking party was able to prouve they were ferrying weapons or war-related cargo, which is pratically impossible; it interdicted assasinating until war activities of the assasinated were prouved, etc,etc
The rebellion never followed these conventions, and were right to do so, and quickly the confederacy didn't follow them too.
Never underestimate the self-esteem of a French.
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