Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by rebel council:
      What? What do the governors of the outer planets have to do with this? Are you saying that they promoted "slavery" with out the feds knowing it? Or are you sugesting something I'm not caching.

      We don't know much about the Confederate political structure, but it seems to me that if oppression took place in the outer colonies, but not the core worlds, then the responsible parties are probably the governments, governors, administrations, whatever of the outer colonies. If a government is oppressive, it usually oppresses its entire population beyond the ruling class, not just select portions, and given how far from Earth the colonies that rebelled are, it seems that the pattern of oppression increased as you left the core worlds and the eyes of the central Confederate government.

      David Arthur
      Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")

    • So you saying that the confeds exepted astronomical input of goods from the outer worlds wityh out even realizing that the goods are aquired throgh slavery(opresion),and are you saying that the confeds(on probably many)visits to the outer worlds where blind enogh to not figure out some thing like that. Or do you think that they just exepted the laborors and desided not to do anything about that as long as the money flowed in and the preblems stayed small. That sounds about right. 😉

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • Confederation: Evil. Fat rich guys sits in comfy chairs, smoking great cigars. They say to some captains to go and kick the Rebels ass, without knowing that their fleet is outdated and all their worlds rebelling aginst their rule.
      Rebellion: Good. Honest people who fight for freedom and truth against the lazy, rich and evil Confeds. With clever tactics and fast raids they crushes the Confederation.
      Very intriguing story... I prefer the EVO to be honest.

      All E.T:s aren't nice.
      (Most of them are evil green blobs)

    • Wratho, nicely sayed.And i also enjoy the EVO story line but this one is more contreversial.In EVO its aliens come and you destroy them, here its peoples fighting against ach other in a brutal world."Those lazy rich fat Confeds" HA HA HA 🙂 😉 🙂

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • What? Finished? No one wants to talk about who stinks were.Fine!Be that way!

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • Put in my vote for the Confederation.
      After weighing all the issues, there's no justification for the the Rebelion does. Their solution for the 'fat guys sitting smoking cigars' and other political problems is to attack unarmed Confederate trade routes.
      The Rebelion sounds like the 'good side' here, but there's no way I'm siding with that logic.

      (Note that I'm also not being baised here. I can remember the very first time I played through EV, I ended up a Rebel. More by conincidence than by choice.)

    • Listen Jazzy Jazzy Bo Bazzy, the Confederates obviously don't care about their citizens. When you're in your very first shuttlecraft, and you see a massive Confederate warship, and you think to yourself, "I'd better get on this guys good side!" and then you hail him, what does he say? "Unimportant use of comm links is a violation of Navy Code! :mad:" Whoah! Then, later in your journeys as a new pilot, you venture out into Rebel territory, and you see a huge Rebel warship, and then you hail him and he says: "Try heading on over to Palshife to get some extra upgrades for your ship. :)" Now, who's the obvious choice? huh? HUH?

      I rest my case. 🙂 😉 🙂

      "English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England!"-Homer Simpson

    • Thats true the Confed Cruiser pilot is a jerk hes provoking you to join the Rebels because they are nicer. 😄

      I also rest my case. (not that I ever had one, but still)

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • Glad you agree, rebco. (Tell me if you don't like the nickname and I'll stop.) 🙂

      "English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England!"-Homer Simpson

    • Sounds like some name of a hillbilly. So please stop. 😄

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rawzer:
      **"Unimportant use of comm links is a violation of Navy Code!:mad: " Whoah!


      Man, I hate it when the Confeds say that. Even listening to their comm links is enough to make you join the Rebellion...Whenever I here a Confederation warship say that, it makes me feel as if I'm an unimportant piece of space junk.

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

    • Quote

      When you're in your very first shuttlecraft, and you see a massive Confederate warship, and you think to yourself, "I'd better get on this guys good side!" and then you hail him, what does he say? "Unimportant use of comm links is a violation of Navy Code! " Whoah!

      Is that your justificaion for the killing?
      Have you ever considered that the reason they say that is not because they're 'mean', but because it actually is a violation of navy code?


      you see a huge Rebel warship, and then you hail him and he says: "Try heading on over to Palshife to get some extra upgrades for your ship. " Now, who's the obvious choice? huh? HUH?

      I guess this shows which side is desperate for any pilots and ships they can get their hands on.

      Think about it. You're in a small yacht in international waters when a huge Russian warship comes up to you and says "Hey, if you come with us, we'll give you lots of weapons!"

    • I spent a majority of my time in the Rebellion systems . . . all my ships came from there. Although I consider the Confeds to have the best ships (I'm sure not sure rebco agrees with that), my vote goes to the Rebs.



      What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.

      (This message has been edited by Mizra (edited 04-11-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The Jazzman:
      **I guess this shows which side is desperate for any pilots...


      Good pilots, that is. 😉 I believe you are the first person I've seen lately who takes a liking towards the Confeds...

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

    • hey i must vote........' kidding..........Rebels of course!I'm not going into all the reasons but:the 'feds do have tacky blue dots!, the reb destroyer could destroy a fed cruiser, the rebel ships are awesome looking and powerful. they have cool missions and items from the missions.


    • Well, I personally have a soft spot towards the Confederate Gunship, and the cruisers have bays for them, which is cool. All having been said and done, the Rebels are just a bunch of hoodlums using underhanded tactics(like kidnapping me and forcing me to dance a jig for them for their amusement). The game is definitely biased towards the rebels, so I'll vote Confederate just to spite y'all 😛 - Besides, the side that has Earth on it is the way to go. I have a soft spot towards Sol, too. 🙂

      - Light.

      "Brevity is the soul of wit"...(yeah, right)

    • Oh you have a soft spot for almost every thing! Sad to say (very sad) but Mizra is right a Confed cruiser will win a dog fight with a Rebel cruiser(if controlled by a computer)
      but if a hummans ingage(?) the fight the Feds have no chance whith their slow moving sips.

      (Stop calling me "rodco" or you will not like the cotent of your e-mails) :mad: 😛 🙂

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Light:
      **Well, I personally have a soft spot towards the Confederate Gunship, and the cruisers have bays for them, which is cool. All having been said and done, the Rebels are just a bunch of hoodlums using underhanded tactics(like kidnapping me and forcing me to dance a jig for them for their amusement). The game is definitely biased towards the rebels, so I'll vote Confederate just to spite y'all:p - Besides, the side that has Earth on it is the way to go. I have a soft spot towards Sol, too. 🙂

      - Light.


      Maybe in due time, you'll turn from the dark side... 😉 Believe me, you're more then welcome to post your Confederation propaganda here, because we Rebels will amuse ourselves by mocking it. 😛

      And Rebco...I love that nick-name. Why do you take such a hatred towards it, Rebel Council?

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

    • When it comes down to it, neither side are evil.

      Both Rebel Memo and Re:Rebel Memo have proved that. I was in fact amazed by the
      good reasons in Re: Rebel Memo.

      So anybody who pursues only one side is short sighted. Sure, the Rebels have most
      of the advantages, but the best player can respect both governments.

      Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

    • I guess I've chosen to be a bad player, then. 🙂 For same reason, I had direspect for the Confederation ever since I first started playing Escape Velocity, and that has grown into a hate for the Confederation as I play more...

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)