Originally posted by rebel council:
What? What do the governors of the outer planets have to do with this? Are you saying that they promoted "slavery" with out the feds knowing it? Or are you sugesting something I'm not caching.
We don't know much about the Confederate political structure, but it seems to me that if oppression took place in the outer colonies, but not the core worlds, then the responsible parties are probably the governments, governors, administrations, whatever of the outer colonies. If a government is oppressive, it usually oppresses its entire population beyond the ruling class, not just select portions, and given how far from Earth the colonies that rebelled are, it seems that the pattern of oppression increased as you left the core worlds and the eyes of the central Confederate government.
David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)