Rebel's because there fighting for a good cause. Anyway Rebels are better than Confed's.
Rebel's because there fighting for a good cause. Anyway Rebels are better than Confed's.
Cydonian all the way! He he. But seriously, Rebels rock!
These are my statistics that pretty much prove me a rebel:
48 Confed Frigates destroyed
23 Confed cruisers destroyed
163 Confed Patrol Ships destroyed
133 Confed light freighters, shuttles couriers, and bulk Frieghters destroyed.
Kill the Confeds! :mad:
Thank you Captain Carnotaur, your wit and writing will be recorded and placed at my unfinished web site.
"Die,Die,Die,you stupid Confed Cruiser!- Captain Mollusk
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**the Confeds are a just a bunch of aristocrats who want to only furthur themselves, get rich, and have a nice life while people suffer and die under their tyranny.
-Captain Carnotaur
Originally posted by Loki
**try reading the Declarations of Cause which all the southern states sent to the Union before seceding.
So as to stay in your history (as far as I'm concerned), the 13 first colonies of USA did the same as the Rebellion towards the Confederacy : rebel from England.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The way I see it, the Confeds are full of just a bunch of greedy, squabbily, ruthless, deligates (sp?) who have no interest in the common good (Hey! That sounds like Emporer Palpatine in Episode 1!).
He wasn't Emperor at that time (you should have said senator) Furthermore it's not a very good person to quote.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**and thus no threat to the Rebel Alliance.
The StarWars shadow shows a bit : indeed the "rebel alliance" is never said in EV
Originally posted by Loki:
**And as far as their ships go, personally I think the stats were input wrong by an obviously biased Rebel sympathizer. A purpose-built warship (Frigate) would not carry less firepower than a converted freighter (Destroyer), that's just not plausible, and has been a major gripe of mine for some time.
The "biaised rebel sympatiser" is not Carnotaur : everything he said is true (everything objective). However, I think with you the game is biaised in the side of rebels : the Manta is a bit too good (it is said that it is an outdated ship), but in fact the Patrol ship is s...; the rebel destroyer is too good, right, too. I'm even a bit ashamed to support the rebellion, as I've no merit in doing this, and Loki, just are much more brave to support what you support that I am.
Some time ago, I discussed with Carnotaur of the possibility of a far weaker rebellion: indded, I think the moment we come into the universe should be a turnover, where both sides should be able to win; here the Fed's are condemned to lose. The "critical mass" a rebellion has to reach before it's sure to beat an oppressive government is between half the size and the size of the opposite government Here the rebellion is two times bigger than the confederacy.
But at least, Carnotaur, I recognise you this quality you have with me : even if the rebellion would be far weaker and may lose against the confeds, you would still support the rebellion.
And to say a bit about destroyer/frigate, when they engage themselves far away, during the time they get closer one to each other, they both fire torpedoes. As they fire them at the same rate, both shields eventually decreases the same amount. As the frigate has still more shields, it is a bit advantaged and wins. If they meet together at medium range, it's a tie, they are both disabled. If they begin to fire on each other very close, pratically no torpedoes are being launched and the superior speed and firepower of the destroyer destroys the frigate. That's why Rebels and Confeds fans argued with each other about one of this ship superior to one another: it depends.
Hey, don't forget! I support the rebels of course.
Y'a personne qui parle franรงais ici?
Originally posted by Loki:
**something which was outlawed during the Geneva Conventions
My poor friend (from here, I'm inventing) The Geneva conventions were trown away during the Great War against the aliens, because aliens, of course, didn't know them so it was impossible for the Humans to follow them, while the aliens don't.
Just as the Rebellion began, the confederacy tried to make some new geneva conventions; they were called "new Britain conventions", and they were clearly biaised: it interdicted attacking freighters until the attacking party was able to prouve they were ferrying weapons or war-related cargo, which is pratically impossible; it interdicted assasinating until war activities of the assasinated were prouved, etc,etc
The rebellion never followed these conventions, and were right to do so, and quickly the confederacy didn't follow them too.
The confederacy reminds me the Confederacy in StarCraft (play it!); however, the "rebellions" are different: one makes a true war and frees planets, while the other uses terrorism (which may be defendable in some cases) from secret bases.
In fact (as senator Palpatine said) a "perfect" democraty may evolve, quickly or slowly, into a "coruptocraty". Then 2 kind of mens may come; if no one, the system gets deeper and deeper in its own corruption and only an external rebellion may restore a democraty (or an Empire, see StarCraft); The first kind of man is smart, enlightened and wants the common good (more an utopia than a real man ) and struggles against corruption to eventually restore a true democraty. The 2nd kind of man is smart too, and pretend willing the common good, but uses to reaction provoked by the corruption to get full powers and to do not give them back afterwards, and eventually becomes an Emperor (like Palpatine).
The two confederacies can't evolve inside themselves: there must be an external rebellion. But some rebellions are good (but SW and EV rebellions seem to me utopic ), and some are bad (the Sons Of Korhal, as Mengsk wants to become an Emperor).
Y'a personne qui parle franรงais ici?
C'mon! The Confederation is far supierior! Admiral Davies couldn't command a light freighter. On the other hand Admiral Sykes could crush the Rebellion with one fleet.
Here are some more reasons...
1. Speed is the only thing that saves the Rebels:
The frigate has 250 shields vs. the 200 shields on the destroyer, when you think about its only the destroyers speed that saves it from being pulverized.
The launching speed of the Rebel Cruiser's Manta Rack(yes I mean rack.) Keeps the
frail little ships from being destroyed one by one like misqutoes.
2. The Confed Cruiser is massive, only the Confederation could have the endless resources and shipyard facilities to construct these asome ships.
3. The rebels can't even defend their own space, Pirates are everywhere, even in the Satori system itself! Rebel worlds for the most part are poor, and only accepted
the rebels help to save them from poverty and theiir own uselessness.
4. The Confederation if it even began to recognize the rebellion as a threat could,
with lazy gesture wipe the Rebels out completly with their superior naval power
and better over all ships.
i dont care what you say but redels are way better.
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
Yes but WHY are they better?
Come on, while you're playing the game will you really consider the honorability of the governments.I think you'll be more concerned about not geting shot in the keister then the fact that they(who ever) are being attaked for an unjust cause. Mainly you will side with the government that pays you the most and pretects you the best. Admit it when you see a small courier being attacked by a Rebel Cruiser,(pretending that you just started the game) you are not saying"Oh why is that big ship attacking that little one." you are saying "Sure glad that wasn't me" while trying to land on the nearet planet or station.
Who here can truthfully say that while they where playing the game they thuoght about the pros and cons of the government they are with.
While reading the posts i sumed up a little description for each government.
Confederation: are riding a train oiled by the elbo greese of their poorly paid laborers.
Rebels:laborers which will exept only a desteny they create
Oh yes! My gratest work YET
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
I'd like to see you question that.HE HE HE
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
r3b3l5 4-3v3r
"A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism." -- Carl Edward Sagan
Yoda is that supposed to mean anything or are you just amassed.
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
Originally posted by rebel council:
Who here can truthfully say that while they where playing the game they thuoght about the pros and cons of the government they are with.
I can. The first time I played, I went with the Rebellion because the intro text was so biased in their favour, but after I saw the kinds of things they did, I moved over to the Confederation.
Originally posted by rebel council:
**Confederation: are riding a train oiled by the elbo greese of their poorly paid laborers.
Rebels:laborers which will exept only a desteny they create
Confederation: a government struggling to maintian peace in its systems despite an organised revolution and rampant piracy
Rebellion: labourers from less affluent worlds who took the human pastime of hating the government a bit too far
David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")
Have you read the intro, it sayes that the confeds took their power for granted after defeting the aliens. Only the core worlds had the benefits of confederation. The outer worlds were populated by ladorers who worked their butts of so that Earth can have caviar on sale. MY INTERPRETATION MAS COMPLEATLY TRUE AND CORRECT, so i dont need you changing it in any way. :mad: (you patriot of the wrong)
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
Originally posted by rebel council:
Have you read the intro, it sayes that the confeds took their power for granted after defeting the aliens.
The intro tells us one thing: it was written by a Rebellion supporter.
David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")
The intro tells us one thing: THE TRUTH
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
Well done, Carnotaur. A thorough (if long) treatise.
Please note, KK votes Rebellion ... for nearly all the reasons specified by Carno. I reserve the right to "nitpick" some of Carno's points, though. (This is more for the purpose of accuracy and education than for mud-slinging, Carno.)
The Confeds bullied around the outer colonists, denied them representation in the senate, forced them into hard labor, and so colonists rebelled.
Hey, you goofball Confeds! What about "forced them into hard labor" do you not understand? Being forced into hard labor IS slavery, in case you did not notice. This is how EV's documentation sets up our whole story. Your side is in the wrong. Deal with it.
(T)he Confeds are a just a bunch of aristocrats who want to only furthur themselves, get rich, and have a nice life while people suffer and die under their tyranny.
Carno does some disservice to many good aristocrats, here. Throughout Terran history, numerous aristocrats have been enormously humanitarian. If Carno had substituted "Communists" for "aristocrats" he would have been quite correct.
Terran Red China and the USSR -- both Communist regimes -- are more analogous of EV's Confederation. The Communist "elite" leadership regularly pilfers the national bank account, oppresses the people (in almost every facet of their lives) and lives lavishly while the people suffer and starve.
Another bad thing about the Confederation is that they seem very dicatorial in whatever they do.(/b)
More accurate, Carno. Good.
Maybe I edited it out already. Maybe it was someone else' post. But somebody referred to the Rebellion as "more democratic" than the Confederation....
(You may think my nitpicking is getting way out of hand, here -- but bear with me.) Democracy -- also called "the tyranny of the majority" -- does not work well as a governmental form. Corruption, inefficient industry and regular political turmoil are the major symptoms of democracies. The masses are too willing to vote themselves benefits from the governmental trough instead of "tightening their belts and working harder and smarter." Human nature being what it is, these people will mortgage their children's futures for an (apparently) secure "now". (See many of the Terran South American countries of the 20th century.) The Consitutional Republic of Terran USA is a better -- not perfect, just better -- governmental form. This representative government contains enough internal checks and balances to keep corruption from getting too far....
Enough of that....
IMHO the Rebellion's "government" is more accurately described as an "alliance". (With deference to Star Wars.) I think of the Rebellion as a loosely connected group of "cells" (much like the French Underground in Terran WWII). This also contributes to the frustration of our oppressors, the Confeds. We can kidnap and assasinate Confed leaders, while they have a difficult time distinguishing who among the Rebels is in-charge. If one of us is captured: a) we cannot reveal entire strategic plans under interrogation and, our overall cause is merely "inconvenienced;" not severly damaged. The disadvantage (we must admit) is ... large-scale offensives are unlikely to be coordinated. Therefore, our battles must chip away at the Confed's bit-by-bit. It makes for a longer war, but we will succeed for ... we are fighting for our freedom, or families and our futures.
(What's that? Faintly, off in the distance we hear ... a military victory song?)
When Carno comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The Confed's are dead; freedom begins,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
They wanted to fight, but our cause was right,
They wanted us dead, but they lost their heads!
When Carno comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
They thought they'd win, but we showed them,
We were all tougher and they caved-in.
When Carno comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah...!
(Heard in the gathering crowd: Laughter! Shouts of joy! Cheering! The sounds of free people reveling in their right of self-determination! The sounds of freedom...!)
**Q: When is a Confed Cruiser a great ship?
A: When it ain't working for the Confeds.**
Yeah! When it is working for me and blasting its former "comrads-in-arms."
Now, have I not proven my point?
-Captain Carnotaur
Yes! Yes! And YES!!!!
ยYou will find that our crew will be either the most valuable, loyal, and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... donยt bring a knife to a gunfight!ย
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
(BHey, you goofball Confeds! What about "forced them into hard labor" do you not understand? Being forced into hard labor IS slavery, in case you did not notice. This is how EV's documentation sets up our whole story. Your side is in the wrong. Deal with it.(/B)
Okay, so at some point in the past - the timeframe isn't clear, but it seems like a number of years ago - some people in the outer worlds were forced into hard labour. However,saying that "the Confederation" did this isn't very meaningful. An entire society, with a population of probably billions of people, cannot be responsible for any act. The guilty parties are probable the former governors of the outer colonies, far from the supervision of the Confederate government on Earth. The acts of certain individuals (or groups) at some point in the past cannot cause billions of people to be "in the wrong."
David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")
What? What do the governors of the outer planets have to do with this? Are you saying that they promoted "slavery" with out the feds knowing it? Or are you sugesting something I'm not caching.
if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth
I vote Pirates
They have the only "mission" that keeps paying: Domination.
They have the most difficult mission: Domination of the Entire Galaxy
They have the largest selection of ships: Anything you can Capture.
They stand for the two most enduring causes: Greed and Fun.
Governments come and go, but piracy never goes away.