Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • What happened to my Hawks?

      I just upgraded to EV 1.0.5 and now when ever i recall my hawk fighters they look like they return to me and dissapera from the screen into me like they should but my bay stays empty. WHY IS THAT??????

      Tycho Maudd

      I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.something, more i cannot say.

    • I dont exactly know but it might be some kind of programing problem. :frown:(i guess)
      I had a couple of those. But im okay now.

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • Must be a bug...

      In three words I can sum up all I've learned about life;it goes on
      -Robert Frost
      ColdFusion is cool(if you didn't already know that)

    • try to call out your fighters again, or maybe it is a bug from upgrading. and you could always buy more hawks, they dont cost too much


    • Imagine my horror when the rebels, when fitting the tractor beam to my kestrel, decided to steal my lightnings! 2 million credits! If you're ever about to finish that mission, launch your fighters before landing on palshife.
