Since EV was a big hit on the Mac imagine how much money they would get if they made it on PC because I heard it was the worlds most used OS. Think about it......
PS. I know EV will never be for PC
Since EV was a big hit on the Mac imagine how much money they would get if they made it on PC because I heard it was the worlds most used OS. Think about it......
PS. I know EV will never be for PC
PC Sux.....Macs are better. Ambrosia Software only makes the best for the best.
Well put!
"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer
You two, get off your friggen high horses. Believe it or not, perhaps shouting your love for all things mac and that you hate PC's is not exactly the right thing to do in this situation, nor mature.
To bugsbug, you already answered your question. You know that EV will never be ported to PC, so why ask. This argument has already been gone over many times, it's simply not going to happen, if you'd like a list of reasons, search the boards and find them, I'd rather not list them here.
The only way PC users will ever play EV is to get an emulator (I believe there's a good one at (url="http://"") and play EV on your PC that way. So unless Ambrosia decides to put out their own emulator product....
I use my PC to write on This board and my Mac to play EV
Originally posted by bugsbug:
**Since EV was a big hit on the Mac imagine how much money they would get if they made it on PC because I heard it was the worlds most used OS. Think about it......
here is a comprehensive list of reasons why ev will not be ported to the pc!! hee hee ;):
Who is going to port it... and support it?
() Matt Burch (EV's Author) has no experience with Windows.
() Ambrosia has no experience with Windows.
(*) Ambrosia's tech support has no experience with Windows.
This means they would need to find someone else, someone who was both unfamiliar with the code and with Ambrosia itself, to port Escape Velocity. The various tools and tricks they have for Mac development would be useless. And they'd also need to hire someone else to do tech support. Simply put, this would require resources that Ambrosia does not have.
What engine is it going to run on?
() Escape Velocity uses SAT (Sprite Animation Toolkit) as its graphics engine. SAT is only available for MacOS.
() Escape Velocity uses resources as a mainstay of its operation. Windows does not have resource forks.
This means that they would have to rewrite not just the UI, but the graphics engine and the entire data storage/retreival system. They'd also need a utility to port plugs back and forth between MacOS and Windows, and probably another utility for authoring plugs on a PC. For EV:N, Matt Burch is merely rewriting (not porting) JUST the graphics engine and some of the core logic. It has taken almost a year now, and he wrote the original game! Someone unfamiliar with the code would take even longer.
What is this really worth to Ambrosia?
(*) Escape Velocity's technology is rapidly becoming obsolete.
When EV was released, it was already using old technologies. It's been YEARS now. While there are still a number of diehard Mac fans, and a few PC users that wish they could play, the market is greatly reduced from what it was when EV was released. By the time a PC port was completed, even if Ambrosia could marshall the manpower, the market would be almost nothing.
(*) Escape Velocity's technology limitations are rapidly becoming obsolete.
When EV was released, it was already using old technologies, but it also supported systems that were considered old even at that time. EV is not getting any newer, but PC clock speeds and emulation technologies are. Plus, old Macs are getting cheaper, and new Macs are becoming more viable purchases in many cases where they wouldn't have been a few years ago. By the time a PC port was completed, even if Ambrosia could marshall the manpower, most of their almost nonexistant market could already play EV.
In conclusion ,PC EV would probably be a losing proposition for Ambrosia. Even if they could find some independently wealthy master Mac/PC programmer who worked for free, ported it quickly and efficiently, and then did tech support for it, their returns would be fairly insignificant. They could probably get more money by kicking him in the shins and stealing his wallet.
Originally posted by Captain Scurvy:
You two, get off your friggen high horses. Believe it or not, perhaps shouting your love for all things mac and that you hate PC's is not exactly the right thing to do in this situation, nor mature.
Well, I do happen to dislike PC's but I wasn't referring to that in my post... I just thought that "Ambrosia makes the best for the best" was well said. It had a nice 'ring' to it.
"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer
Originally posted by bugsbug:
**I use my PC to write on This board and my Mac to play EV:p
Hey guys, shut the hell up!!! This is nothing to argue over. I've always been for macs, but, i've been shown that they're both good. At, they have something called carbonless coppies. it makes an exact, efficient copy of the program. just to do this, you have to have the rights to the program. i have posted this in a different subject
General Tasuki Ashkevron
Rebel Manta-ray class Destroyer,
This bickering is pointless.
I've checked out that thing Tasuki pointed out.
It may be a solution to the argument.
Read it yourself. Go to (url="http://"")
It supports conversion to Windows (all), Linux, UNIX, and OS/2.
I have accepted all OSs as equal, yet different in their own respects.
Maybe all the hardheaded loosers out there who still think "my OS is the best" should think about that.
Give it a try.
EV for PC!
There will always be a post on how EV should be on PC..I have seen it since I can remember on EV boards(get used to it). Best thing is just say "Ambrosia has no plans in pursueing it" cause getting into a lengthy insult or discussion on why..It'll just get repetitive trust me. And always remember this guys is ignorant to the fact that this topic has been brought up..So always go easy on em ;)(Not saying it implies to this topic..Just for all of them)
(This message has been edited by MacGP (edited 03-12-2001).)
no offence but if mac were so great then it would be the most popular os in the world like windows.
(url="http://"")http://pub58.ezboard...amesandcartoons(/url) my webboard please join!
Originally posted by bugsbug:
**no offence but if mac were so great then it would be the most popular os in the world like windows.
mcdonalds sells more food than any other restraunt in the world, so it must have the best food, huh?
Good one....... For all you windoze fans, Macs are by far better. They have a lot better processor, monitors, system software. Just because there is more windoze thingys does'nt mean there better. I have some pictures to proove it.
A 12yr. old
There it goes again!
"My OS is better than your OS!"
"Your OS sucks and mine doesn't!"
A word to those who fight like that, you guys are so shallow.
Commander Soloran
"We need EV for PC, I say!"-- The Honorable Soloran
Talking with pc junkies is like talking to a rock. Andrew Welch wouldn´t have said it better: "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience." (See the thread Ambrosia Times: Press Release: Shareware Amnesty! at the Ambrosia Times Newsletter if you don´t believe me)
As they pc junkies will never convince us hardcore mac fans of "all computers and OS´s are equal" and they stubbornly doesn´t see the errors of their ways,
Mr. Moderator, please close this and all related threads
And yes pcs, windoze with all of their viruses suck
There will NEVER be EV for pc by Ambrosia! Mwahahahahahaha...
eh, scurvy, you're right that they are all newbies for even talking about this... but you don't act much better by replying in a response and neither am i...
what is the world coming too
Jeremy Woodruff as,
I feel bashed :frown:. But still, I'm not discouraged.
Commander Soloran
(This message has been edited by CommanderSoloran (edited 03-15-2001).)