Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Proton Turret: 6 votes.
      Neutron Cannon: 1 vote
      Flare Launcher: 1 vote

      Cloaking Device: 4 votes
      Missile Jammer: 1 vote
      IFF Decoder: 3 votes
      Auto Refueler: 2 votes
      Regional Map: 1 vote

      Alright, got your votes, Carnotaur.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Hey, the cloaking device and proton turret are in the lead!

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I'll fix that...

      "...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

    • Horace would like to place Horace's vote for the Regional Map.

    • I think that the Regional Map is the best outfit.

    • The Regional map is by far the most bestest outfit of all of the outfits.

    • Now regional map is tied :D! Well, actually not. It's still at 1. :frown:

      "...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

    • Proton Turret: 6 votes.
      Neutron Cannon: 1 vote
      Flare Launcher: 1 vote

      Cloaking Device: 4 votes
      Missile Jammer: 1 vote
      IFF Decoder: 3 votes
      Auto Refueler: 2 votes
      Regional Map: 5 votes

      LOL!!! Looks to me like someone got a bunch of buddies together and asked them all to vote for the regional map. 🙂 Oh well...

      ~Captain Skyblade

    • Quote

      Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
      **Now regional map is tied:D! Well, actually not. It's still at 1. :frown:


      Originally posted by Nar Asaki:
      The Regional map is by far the most bestest outfit of all of the outfits.


      Originally posted by Gnat75:
      I think that the Regional Map is the best outfit.


      Originally posted by Horace:
      Horace would like to place Horace's vote for the Regional Map.

      Hey! Captain Skyblade, take those votes for the reigonal map away! BattleDoctor cheated! He, and all those other unregistered guys, are the same person!

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-22-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Hey! Captain Skyblade, take those votes for the reigonal map away! BattleDoctor cheated! He, and all those other unregistered guys, are the same person!


      Sounds good to me. I was beginning to think the same thing. The comment where he said "I'll fix that" made me wander. Thanks for verifying that, Carnotaur!

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Proton Turret: 6 votes.
      Neutron Cannon: 1 vote
      Flare Launcher: 1 vote

      Cloaking Device: 4 votes
      Missile Jammer: 1 vote
      IFF Decoder: 3 votes
      Auto Refueler: 2 votes
      Regional Map: 1 vote

      Thanks to BattleDoctor's "voting fraud," (Yeap, this is beginning to sound like the Flordia recount thing again... 🙂 ) the regional map has been knocked back to one vote.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • I slowly climb the ladder of ships, when I first played, I even armed my shuttle, because I wanted to see what it was like.

      Weapon: Proton Turret - is there any alternative? I say no.
      Secondary: Missiles
      Outfit: Regional map - really early in the game, you don't know where anything is

      Weapon: Proton Turret - still great after all this time
      Secondary: Torpedos or Space Bombs
      Outfit: Engine/Thrust upgrade - the missile can't do damage if you outrun it.

      Your head is throbbing with pain...
      Your lungs feel as if they are on fire...
      The red spots on your neck get bigger every day...
      Every vain in your body has turned black...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The_virus:
      **I slowly climb the ladder of ships, when I first played, I even armed my shuttle, because I wanted to see what it was like.

      Me too. I put as many guns on my shuttle as I could, then I went after everything and anything. I even took down Clippers, Confed Gunboats, Confed Patrol Ships, Bulk and Light Frieghters, other shuttles, scoutships, and even Clippers. I even went up against ships like Argosys and Confed Frigates, but I always lost.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Best weapon- the missile. For extremely accurate, fairly strong destruction, it can't be beat.
      Best outfit- Autorefueller. That's saved my pilot's life more often than escape pods.

      (Lies are in your head.)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      Best outfit- Autorefueller. That's saved my pilot's life more often than escape pods.


      ROFL!!! Ummm...Ok. I think I could live without it. The autorefueler seems to be for the guys who don't want to do the horrible task of moving their mouse to that button that says "refuel", 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Proton Turret: 8 votes.
      Neutron Cannon: 1 vote
      Flare Launcher: 1 vote

      Cloaking Device: 5 votes
      Missile Jammer: 1 vote
      IFF Decoder: 3 votes
      Auto Refueler: 3 votes 😉
      Regional Map: 2 votes
      Missile: 1 vote

      Proton Turrets obviously an EV favorite.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

      (This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 02-24-2001).)

    • My favorite weapon:Proton Turret
      My favorote outfit:cloaking device(The Spirit of the Storm performs yet another hit and run attack on the Confeds 🙂 )

      I'm not good at much,thats why I'm called idiot.And I'm called Savant because I'm good at one thing:failing

    • (quote)Originally posted by idiotSavant:
      **My favorite weapon:Proton Turret
      My favorote outfit:cloaking device(The Spirit of the Storm performs yet another hit and run attack on the Confeds 🙂 I'll add your votes to the last stats report.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • What's the point with the Regional Map (Mappintosh) it destroys the fun of discovering systems!
      And, if I wanted to put my Auto-refueller, I'd write a dozen of unregistred posts where I change my name every time, and votes for the Auto-refueller.
      Now, I have my honor and doesn't do such things...
      Hopes that there's no dirty PC-friendly cheater-bastards who does like this anyway.

      "My Honor Is My Life" 😉


    • (quote)Originally posted by Wratho:
      **What's the point with the Regional Map (Mappintosh) it destroys the fun of discovering systems!
      And, if I wanted to put my Auto-refueller, I'd write a dozen of unregistred posts where I change my name every time, and votes for the Auto-refueller.
      Now, I have my honor and doesn't do such things...
      Hopes that there's no dirty PC-friendly cheater-bastards who does like this anyway.

      "My Honor Is My Life" 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")