My turrets seem to just fire in some random, useless direction. Is there a way to make them work more effectively?
My turrets seem to just fire in some random, useless direction. Is there a way to make them work more effectively?
Maybe the version of EV you're using is for something in that. What version do you play?
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No. It's just that in EV the turrets aren't EXTREMELY accurate. But, they're better than nothing.
P.S. One thing that helps make turrets work better is not to go very fast when firing. Try to go a bit slow when firing.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
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Yeah, if you go really fast, your turrets fire around 45° off. Try staying in one place, and firing at a slow target. If they still fire way off target, then you probably have a problem.
Oh, and remember: the turrets only fire at your selected target. Maybe you forgot to change targets when you want to damage a different ship, and they're still firing at another ship.
Oh yeah and Carnotaur, your sig needs to be updated.
Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
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(This message has been edited by Joolzman5 (edited 01-23-2001).)
Going too fast seems to be the most likely, as I'm usually throwing the ship around using the afterburners. I'd rather not have to slow down though.
And I do have an old version of EV, but I'm not sure which one exactly.
Actually, if you line up the target straight ahead (you can do this by pressing A) and afterburner towards it while firing your turrets, as you pass the target ship it recieves a heavy and almost instantaneous burst of turret fire. I find this a useful tactic, but usually only in certain situations that require a sudden burst of fire such as when trying to finish off a ship with a fast shield recharge rate when my shields are low. Be careful, though, if the ship has missiles or heavy rockets, you can take quite a pounding.
Another useful tactic that uses the fact that ship speed affects the turret fire: when taking out large and slow ships, you can hang just in front of them out of their turret or cannon range and pound them with your turrets safely. Again, you must be careful about missiles or rockets - be prepared to hit the afterburners at any time.
"First do nothing, then repeat!"
A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs.
German Proverb
(This message has been edited by SandMan (edited 02-14-2001).)
Tarquin? Tarquin the HARE?
--Talon_Karrde, MoD, 61:4--
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Originally posted by Tarquin:
**And I do have an old version of EV, but I'm not sure which one exactly.
That's probably the problem. Try getting a newer version of Escape Velcoity, or find a fix or something of the sort. But even in Override, the turrets still like shoot the opposite direction of your target when you are going fast. But if you are having problems where the turrets fire only at certain times, something is wrong. I can't play the Star Wars plugin for EVO because the weapons are all bugged they don't even work. :frown:
~Captain Skyblade
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No, not Tarquin the hare. The name comes from my days of working in a restaurant, a colleague would seat the guests and ask them if they'd been on holiday recently, they might say "Algeria" or something, said colleague would then say "Really? Tarquin our bread waiter has just come back from Algeria, you should talk to him about it". I guess you had to be there, but the point is it stuck.
I don't really have the option of upgrading EV, as my mac doesn't have internet access unfortunately, but slowing down helps a bit. Why don't Ambrosia sell CD's with all their latest products on, like Fantasoft do?
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**That's probably the problem. Try getting a newer version of Escape Velcoity, or find a fix or something of the sort. But even in Override, the turrets still like shoot the opposite direction of your target when you are going fast. But if you are having problems where the turrets fire only at certain times, something is wrong. I can't play the Star Wars plugin for EVO because the weapons are all bugged they don't even work.:frown:
~Captain Skyblade**
I've only had that problem every once and a while with neutrons, and that happens only rarely. Other than them, ALL other turrets in EVO ALWAYS work. The physics in EV and EVO are different, so I think that affects the turrets as well. I think that the turrets only don't work in EV sometimes.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).
I remember experiencing this problem. I never used an Afterburner, but my Engines were upgraded to the max so I could go pretty fast anyways. All I had to do is let go of the fire key. I don't know what this does, maybe it resets the target location. The problem appeared when I did stuff like attack a ship, then jet away so I could avoid short range missiles, if I went past the ship, my turrets would continue firing forward, even though my target was behind me. Letting go of fire reset the turrets or something, so, no more problem. The problem also appears if you try to target a ship that is either going really fast, like a fighter buzzing another ship, or a ship that is entering hyperspace. Again, letting go of fire usually worked.
(This message has been edited by The_virus (edited 03-03-2001).)
Originally posted by Tarquin:
**And I do have an old version of EV, but I'm not sure which one exactly.
you should upgrade. matt fixed the turret tracking stuff a bit in later versions. and other bugs too!!