As was recommended - disable pirates and take their money. If memory serves, pirate corvettes will yield around 100,000 credits and pirate Kestrels will yield around 400,000 credits. A healthy chunk of money toward your 10M goal - I'd recommend building up some extra credits for all the outfits you want before buying your Kestrel.
P.S. A great way to earn about 1.6 million credits per disabled pirate Kestrel is to do the Rebel tractor beam mission (it's been so long, I forget where you get this mission from. Just start working for the Rebellion, and visit Palshif(sp?) often.). Once you have the tractor beam, set out to disable a pirate Kestrel and both its fighter escorts. After all three ships are disabled, drag the escorts, via tractor beam, into the Kestrel, board the Kestrel, plunder the fighter escorts from the ammo section and sell them at a Lightning dealership.
Important note: I think you might have to make the Kestrel empty all its other ammo in order to be able to plunder the fighters. This might be a problem if have a turn rate of good or better because the Kestrel won't fire its torpedoes at you.
The ones we love and the life we grow from