Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • S.S Ganja, you are cleared to dock

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • The bulk of the Ganja secures itself to the station. But no one comes out- and scans show nobody on board. Then, the airlock opens and hundreds of space bombs roll out...

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • boooooombs screams one of the security personell thats sendt to inspect the ship,
      a confed senator is in the hangar and starts runing

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • Panicked onlookers run for their lives as the space bombs spill out of the Ganja. Hardened soldiers once more weep like children as they pray to their gods for salvation.

      But a full minute passes, and then another, and there are no explosions. After a moment of hasty consultation, reluctant security officers step forward to inspect the space bombs.

      After a moment, the lead security officer turns to the crowd. "Perfectly safe," she says. "These so-called bombs are duds. Their timing software was designed by Microsoft..."

      not drowning, waving

      (This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 01-09-2001).)

    • suddently a pirate fleet jumps in to the system and demands a tribute from the station

      (This message has been edited by escape_alex (edited 01-10-2001).)

    • However, they meet some resistance- Jersed's a ConFed station, and the security force consists of frigates. Minutes later, the pirates are dead. Lets get back to the bar, where Rogan is waving a beer at the bombs and cursing loudly. "*****ing bombs. They're everywhere. Doesn't anyone ever clean the place?"

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • a man called escape_alex sit down with rogan and orders something to drink,
      the bartender comes with a coke and wont give him a bear (becasue hes under age)
      so escape_alex takes out his big gun and shoot that confed loving bartender

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • Quote

      Originally posted by escape_alex:


      It`s pronounced beer. You should look at the "tavern continued" topic on the Cythera webboard. We had a lot of fun with that bear/beer thing there. I think it starts on page 6 of that topic. 😄

      back to the bar

      "What the..." Rogan yells: "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!! I SHALL KILL YOU! DESTROY YOU! MURDERER!" A man whispers something into Rogan`s ear. Rogan calms down and says: "He was a confed? Oh, that explains it. Some free drinks for my friend here!"

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

    • Rogan and escape_alex are electrocuted by sttion security- this is a CONFED-OWNED station, after all. Con't have rebels crawling all over it.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Rogan and escape_alex are electrocuted by station security- this is a CONFED-OWNED station, after all. Con't have rebels crawling all over it.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • a confed doctor is sitting in the bar, and see how bad the confeds are so he decides
      to convert to the rebbelion, and he goes to rogan and escape_alex, and bring them back to life

      (This message has been edited by escape_alex (edited 01-11-2001).)

    • But the doctor is shot in the head by a misterious masked squid before he can do anything.

      Bah bah black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. **
      (url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

    • the doctor falls backword and his girlfried that is a nurse kills the misterious
      masked squid and she bring rogan and escape_alex back to life
      rogan and escape_alex wakes up and go and orders something to drink

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • Meanwhile, the leaders of the underwater crime syndicate wonder what happened to their best hitman...

      Bah bah black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. **
      (url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

    • So they send sixteen hitsharks out to rough up the Rebels, but find that they have already been electrocuted by station security again.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • : :hold program::

      ...mysterious masked

      ::resume program::

      not drowning, waving

      (This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 01-11-2001).)

    • Outside, in space, a fleet of seven modified Kestrels approaches the station. The contain very little cargo room, but held many missiles, photon torpedoes, neutron cannons, rockets, and bombs. They also carried a dozen Lightnings and 24 Hawks.

      The captian of that fleet, one James Shatner (OOC: charachter name, not my board name), considered the station as he approached. He gestured to his communications officer, who opened a hailing channel to the station. "Docking Control, this is the private ship Night Hawk , leading mercenary group Omgea , requestiong permission to dock."

      The controller'svoice that came over the speaker sounded a little bored as it granted the fleet permission to dock. Shatner nodded to the helm officer, who brought his fleet into the docking slip as smooth as the drinks on Beeblebrox. Shatner left the ship for the bar, after getting his blaster armor and his dual laser pistols out of his quarters.

      He stepped into the bar over a dead gunman, and bought a drink. Settling himself in a corner where he could watch both the door and the whole bar...

      "What makes you think she is a witch?"
      "Well, she turned me into a newt!!"
      "A newt?"
      "I got better..."

    • A large figure staggers into the bar and falls dead, teeth marks on his forehead and neck...

      Gunsh smiles as he walks in and finishes off the Pirate.

      'It's me, back from the dead,' he smiles 'A clone but still mighty.'

      Gunsh rememebers. ' My friends, the gnomes are dead. They will be avenged.'

      Suddenly Gunsh starts break dancing and the squid joins in.

      As they get down, a giraffe with an attitude, punches the bartender....

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • Down at the bottom of the screen, a black cutout of theater-style seats containing one human and two primitive robots in the right-hand corner. The human spoke up. "A giraffe and a squid on a SPACE STATION!?" Yeah, that's realistic." The bubble-headed robot joined in. "Yeah, Mike, and servant robots? That'd never happen." All three snicker as the scene plays out.

      "What makes you think she is a witch?"
      "Well, she turned me into a newt!!"
      "A newt?"
      "I got better..."

      (This message has been edited by Jim_S (edited 01-12-2001).)

    • The giraffe is the dreaded giraffe of origami, Gunsh's friend and makes a perfect paper model of Hector.

      He snorts at the irony of a robot mocking a giraffe, a biological being and leaves the bar in a foul mood...

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.