forge - just read your rant about public schools, and I couldn't agree more. Seriously. I've spent a few years in them, before I recently decided to switch over to private. People have to realize that you can't just blame some teacher or school if its grades aren't up. Why aren't the grades up? Because the kids don't do anything. Why don't they do anything? Because they don't know the material, find it too difficult to try to understand, and just basically don't care.
If you want the kids to care, the parents should try educating them before they go to school. Then, when they go to school, they'll say, "Oh, I understand this." They'll keep going, keep trying, and get smarter. I could read when I was 4 or 5. Why? Because my parents taught me, at an early age. If you send your clueless kid into a school at 6, and he has no idea what the **** to do, he probably won't be reading too well even when he's 8 or 9.
The parents are the most important beginning, and nobody seems to understand that. Here in California, the government recently began testing schools. If, after a couple tests, they haven't improved, then less money goes to the schools. This is unfathomably stupid because, one, when the schools get less money, then whatever chance the kids have in life becomes less and less; and two, because they just don't understand that the schools can only do so much.
Rather than spending money on schools themselves, they should make advertising telling parents to get off their lazy asses and teach their kids. Then, that breaks the chain of low-income, uneducated people. The kids get interested, learn, and most likely, get a better job.
And to get back on topic :): I always thought Eeun's shipyard was the best organized shipyard, and the most friendly. Maybe second best at graphics (sorry that award goes to Warlock, though I can't get any sprites from them right now because they don't have them finished.)
—Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
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