Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Here's the Ellipsus Fighter
      Name: Ellipsus Fighter
      Fuel: 5
      Speed: 315
      Accel: Fast
      Turning: 5
      Shield: 50
      Armor: 15
      Max Guns: 5
      Max Turrets: 0
      Mass:20 tons
      Length: Whatever the graphic's size looks like.
      Crew: 1
      Recharge Rate: 75
      Weapon Space: 18
      Cargo Space: 10
      Availability: Ellipsus space
      AI: Warship/Interceptor
      Death Delay: 30
      Disabled at 10% armor: No
      Jumps: Fast
      Price: 150000
      Desc: The Ellipsus fighter is Ellipsus Spacelines' main patrol ship. Fast, agile, and dangerous, the Ellipsus fighter will insure that Ellipsus is a major player in galactic affairs for years to come
      Ship standard weapons:
      Four laser cannons, one missile launcher and four missiles, 1 javelin pod and 40 Javelins.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

      (This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 01-01-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by coreyblue64:
      **I didn't see that. Could you re-post it here?

      OK, since you insist. Here it is:

      Speed: (PLEASE, don't make the speed 400 and the turning 2, they just don't go together. Also, if your making a carrier or dreadnought don't make it to fast.)
      Max Guns: (Limit:10)
      Max Turrets: (Limit:10)
      Recharge Rate: (Fighter=65-100 Warship=100-200)
      Weapon Space:
      Cargo Space:
      Availability: (3-12)
      AI (Wimpy Trader, Brave Trader, ect.):
      Death Delay: (Fighter=25-75 Warship=100-200)

      Weapons: (Only four weapons)

      Looks: (No new PICTs unless you have some)

      If you want to make 3 ships, copy the ship template above and paste it on your post three times.

      NOTE: You can't make "Totally Invincable Ships with Super Weapons and Super Recharge".


      Long live the Rebellion!

    • I changed some of my fighter data, since it was messed up.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • ATTN EVERYONE: I am only going to accept ONE more government. So if you want to be in the plug-in, POST NOW!

      ATTN EVERYONE WHO IS ALREADY IN THE PLUG-IN: I am NOT accepting any more weapons. So if you wanted to make another weapon, too bad.

      ATTN Entropy: I made the Tigershark your flag ship, is that OK?


      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **I changed some of my fighter data, since it was messed up.

      "Jumps" and "Disabled a 10% armor" do NOT exist in EV, only in EVO. Change those too.

      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nova6:
      **"Jumps" and "Disabled a 10% armor" do NOT exist in EV, only in EVO. Change those too.


      Yes, "jumps" does. It tells whether the ship takes, 1, 2, or 3 days to hyperspace.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **Yes, "jumps" does. It tells whether the ship takes, 1, 2, or 3 days to hyperspace.

      Um, no, it does NOT exist in EV and it tells how fast the ship enters hyperspace.

      Long live the Rebellion!

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 01-02-2001).)

    • ATTN EVERYONE: I am NOT accepting ANYTHING, I have reached the limit. Now your just gonna have to sit back and wait for it to be published.

      Yup, I'm almost done. All I realy have to do is fix a MAJOR bug and test everything out. I will be posting updates on how the plug-in is going.

      P.S. You can still modify the stuff that you've already posted, but please, try NOT to edit your stuff too much.


      Long live the Rebellion!

    • ATTN Entropy: I CAN'T include your fighter due to a bug in the plug-in, sorry (I had a realy cool PICT for it too :mad: :frown:).

      Progress report:

      Governments: {DONE}
      Ships: {DONE}
      Outfits: {DONE}
      Weapons: {DONE}
      Fleets: {DONE}
      Dudes: {DONE}
      Systems: {DONE}
      Persons: {DONE}

      Testing: 70%

      Read Me: 20%

      The Plug is over all 90% done.


      The "Major bug" that I found was realy a memory problem, but still a big one.

      Bug Report:

      Bugs found: 2
      Major bugs: 1 {FIXED} (Mostly)
      Small bugs: 1 {FIXED}

      Bugs Fixed: 2


      The plug-in should be published this week or next week.


      Long live the Rebellion!

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 01-03-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 01-03-2001).)

    • Maybe you could make a plug FOR the plug? Just wondering, probably not likely...

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **Maybe you could make a plug FOR the plug?


      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Progress report:

      Governments: {DONE}
      Ships: {DONE}
      Outfits: {DONE}
      Weapons: {DONE}
      Fleets: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Dudes: {DONE}
      Systems: {DONE}
      Persons: {DONE}

      Testing: 70%

      Read Me: 20%

      The Plug is over all 90% done.

      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Progress report:

      Governments: {DONE}
      Ships: 99%
      Outfits: {DONE}
      Weapons: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Fleets: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Dudes: {DONE}
      Systems: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Persons: {DONE}

      Testing: 82%

      Read Me: 20%

      The Plug is over all 93% done.

      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nova6:


      I mean, a plug that only modifies. the other plug.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **I mean, a plug that only modifies. the other plug.

      Ohhhhh, so you mean a plug-in that replaces the EV universe, now I get it. Maybe in the future I'll make one.

      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Progress report:

      Governments: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Ships: 99%
      Outfits: 98%
      Weapons: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Fleets: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Dudes: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Systems: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Persons: {DONE}{TESTED}

      Testing: {DONE}

      Read Me: 20%

      The Plug is over all 96% done.

      Yay! The plug-in is almost done!!!


      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Progress report:

      Governments: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Ships: 98%
      Outfits: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Weapons: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Fleets: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Dudes: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Systems: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Persons: {DONE}{TESTED}

      Testing: {DONE}

      Read Me: 20%

      The Plug is over all 98% done.

      Yay! The plug-in is almost done!!!


      Long live the Rebellion!

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 01-04-2001).)

    • Bug Report:

      Bugs found: 3
      Major bugs: 2 {1=FIXED 2=not fixed}
      Small bugs: 1 {1=FIXED}

      Bugs Fixed: 2

      Long live the Rebellion!

    • Progress report:

      Governments: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Ships: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Outfits: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Weapons: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Fleets: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Dudes: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Systems: {DONE}{TESTED}
      Persons: {DONE}{TESTED}

      Testing: 99%

      Read Me: {DONE}

      The Plug is over all 99% done.

      Yay! The plug-in is almost done!!!


      Long live the Rebellion!