Name: Confederate Policing Agencies
Enemy: Pirate
Ally: (You guessed it) Confederate
Crime Tolerance: 150
Smug Penalty: 3
Disable Penalty: 5
Board Penalty: 10
Kill Penalty: 25
Shoot Penalty: 3
Forget: 0
Target Name: ConPol
Comm Dialog Name: ConPol
Xenophobic: No
Big Bribes: Yes
Freighters Take Bribes: Yes
Planets Take Bribes: Yes
Plunders Ships: No
Start Disabled: (Why'd you bother including this one?) hehe, No
Can't Hail: No
Warships Take Bribes: Yes
No Escape Pod: Yes
Not A Good Samaritin: No
Retreat When Shields <25%: Yes
Always Attacks: No
Never Attacks: No
Attacks in Non-Allied Systems: Yes
Location: Off of NGC-8113, below Lethe, to the right i suppose.
Ship #1
Name: ConPol Fighter
Fuel: 400
Speed: 300
Accel: 435
Turn: 3
Shield: 25
Armor: 15
Max. Guns: 5
Max. Turrets: 0
Mass: 20
Length: 15
Crew: 3
Recharge Rate: 40
Weapon Space: 10
Cargo Space: 10
Availability: 6
AI: Interceptor?
Death Delay: 40
Price: 80000
Desc: This fighter was designed specifically for the Confederate Policing Agencies to deal with multiple light pirate vessels.
Weapon Systems: 4 Proton Cannon, 2 Jav. Pods w/20 rockets, 2 Missile Launchers w/10 missiles.
Also uses basic Confed frigates and cruisers.
Keep watch only for the
giants, and you'll be
eaten by the ants
(This message has been edited by Cazic Thule (edited 12-30-2000).)