Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Yes I am the devil chicken...... it's a name I use when I play online games because usually I get a few laughs from it 🙂

      There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
      Perfection does NOT exist.
      .....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      Name:Ellipsus Liner/Ellipsus Cruiser

      This is wrong. The ships are too weak.

      Are you using ResEdit or EvEdit? Anyway- I hope they use the same sheilds scale- I looked at the EV Data at ship strength in resedit- my ships are too weak to survive. (455=the strength of a Rapier. A good pilot w/ a beefed up Argosy could take out the cruiser.)
      The Ellipsus liner should have 425 sheilds and the Ellipsus cruiser 800 or more sheilds (I beleive that rebel cruisers have 850.)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **Originally posted by Entropy:
      Name:Ellipsus Liner/Ellipsus Cruiser

      This is wrong. The ships are too weak.

      Are you using ResEdit or EvEdit? Anyway- I hope they use the same sheilds scale- I looked at the EV Data at ship strength in resedit- my ships are too weak to survive. (455=the strength of a Rapier. A good pilot w/ a beefed up Argosy could take out the cruiser.)
      The Ellipsus liner should have 425 sheilds and the Ellipsus cruiser 800 or more sheilds (I beleive that rebel cruisers have 850.)**

      I am using EV-edit. 455 sheilds is good. And the Rebel cruiser has 500 sheilds and the Confed Cruiser has 800. ResEdit must look at things different.



      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-17-2000).)

    • You should make an outfit template. It wouldn't be too large. That way, governments can have outfits that aren't weapons.
      I'm too impatient, though, so I'll make an outfit anyway.

      Name- Hyperengine modification
      Type- " "
      Effectiveness- subtracts one day from jump time
      Cost- 700,000
      desc: Ellipsus Lines has always been praised for their ships' speed in taking passengers to their destinations. This is caused by a combination of efficient hyperroute plotting, large fuel capacity, and their more efficient hyperengines- which takes many days off travel time. Although you can purchase a stock Ellipsus liner directly from the company, it uses the same hyperengines as bulk freighters- Ellipsus can not afford to waste the valuable hyperengines on non- Ellipsus ships without raising the price tremendously. However, for the right price, skilled Ellipsus engineers can modify your hyperengines to match those on Ellipsus liners by increasing the deuterium dump on the plasma core while removing the energy channelers, causing energy bursts stronger than those of a regular hyperengine and taking a day off your jump time.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **You should make an outfit template. It wouldn't be too large. That way, governments can have outfits that aren't weapons.

      Good idea, I'll make one.



    • OK, here it is. If you want to make a outfit for your gov fill in the blanks on the following template:


      What it does:

      Mass: (0-60)
      Tech level: (1-9)
      Max amount: (1-8)
      Cost: (100-400,000)

      Fixed Gun: Yes/No
      Turret: Yes/No
      Stays with you when you trade ships: Yes/No

      Short Name:
      Short lowercase name:
      Plural Name:




      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-21-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nova6:
      **I am using EV-edit. 455 sheilds is good. And the Rebel cruiser has 500 sheilds and the Confed Cruiser has 800. ResEdit must look at things different.



      Yes- ResEdit is really different. Don't change the ship sheilds, then.
      Make the mass of the hyperengine modification be 15 tons, and the tech be the Ellipsus Tech #. The pict is the "screwdriver" pict, the short name is Hyperengine mod.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

      (This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 12-17-2000).)

      (This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 12-17-2000).)

    • Hey Entropy, I see you are registered now! Keep those posts up! (Just try not to post meaningless things)



    • How about a fleet template? That way we can have big maurauding fleets go and attack each other's governments :D. It will get very crovded with all thase govs. vieing for space.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entropy:
      **How about a fleet template? That way we can have big maurauding fleets go and attack each other's governments.

      OK. Sounds like a good idea, I'll do that.

      P.S. I don't like these lines all over the place.



    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nova6:
      **OK. Sounds like a good idea, I'll do that.

      P.S. I don't like these lines all over the place.



      Are you referring to the dividing lines? I thought I was just imagining that they were new, that I had been away too long(which is impossible because I had been on a scarce 10 minutes before). your instincts, luke...

      better dead than confed!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by coreyblue64:
      **Are you referring to the dividing lines? I thought I was just imagining that they were new,

      There new, and I don't like them! :mad:


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nova6:
      **There new, and I don't like them!:mad:


      They were surprising at first, now they're just there. I don't really have an opinion one way or the other. poll is getting lower down cuz no one is replying, if you have not voted yet go ahead (url="http://"")here(/url). A lot of people have already, but no one is hearing about it. So, I thought some people might see it here.

      better dead than confed!

    • This is a fleet template, to make a fleet just fill in the blanks:

      Fleet Name:

      Lead ship:
      Ship 1:
      Ship 2:
      Ship 3:
      Ship 4:

      Minimum number of ships for ship 1: (Example: If ship 1 is a Confed Cruiser and you put down "1" for "Minimum number of ships for ship 1" then the Minimum number of Confed Cruisers in that fleet is "1")
      Minimum number of ships for ship 2:
      Minimum number of ships for ship 3:
      Minimum number of ships for ship 4:

      Max number of ships for ship 1: (Example: If ship 1 is a Confed Cruiser and you put down "3" for "Max number of ships for ship 1" then the max number of Confed Cruisers in that fleet is "3")
      Max number of ships for ship 2:
      Max number of ships for ship 3:
      Max number of ships for ship 4:

      Where this fleet can be found:

      P.S. To Rogan: I already made some of your fleets but if you want more I don't care (Just don't make TOO much).



      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-21-2000).)

    • OK, I just figured out what this EV Webboard stuff is all about. Very cool idea, I would like to be added to the pers list if there is one(the lone guy who occasionally hypers in like Cap'n Hector in the original). If you are accepting these, let me know. Also, I have a govt to add:

      Name: Hylians

      Crime Tolerance:100
      Smug Penelty:5
      Disable Pen.:20
      Board Pen.:15
      Kill Pen.:85
      Shoot Pen.:10
      Forget: 1

      Target name:Hylian
      Com dialog Name:Hylian

      Xenophobic: No
      Big bribes: Yes
      Freighters take bribes: Yes
      Planets take bribes: No
      Plunders Ships: Yes
      Start disabled: Yes
      Can't hail: No
      Warships take bribes: No
      No escape pod: Yes
      Not a good samaritan: No
      Retreat when shields <25%: No
      Always attacks: No
      Never attacks: No
      Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes

      *Location: Lezad

      Entry Message:
      Average of ships: 9
      Astroids: 1
      Location: Fairly close to the CKP
      Planets in this system:Hyrule, Termina

      Can land: Yes
      Commoditys: Yes
      Outfit: Yes
      Shipyard: Yes
      Station: Yes
      Uninhabited: No
      Bar: Yes
      Bar Desc: The Hyrule Bar is a quiet, calm place. The bartender gives off a look that says he knows a lot more than he lets on.

      Tech level: 4
      Special Tech: 45
      Defense Dude: Same as below

      Waves: Yes
      Ships per wave: 10
      Total ships: 500

      Food Price: med
      Ind Price: med
      Med Price: low
      Metal Price: low
      Equip Price: none
      Luxury Price: low

      Planet Graphic: Earth-green

      Cool: 2

      Planet Desc: The land of Hyrule is a beautiful place. From what you can gather, this place has been through a lot of hard times, but now is a time of peace and prosperity.

      Can land: Yes
      Commoditys: Yes
      Outfit: Yes
      Shipyard: Yes
      Station: Yes
      Uninhabited: No
      Bar: Yes
      Bar Desc: The bar has a sign over the door that reads, "Milk Bar, 'Latte' Open from 10pm". The general atmosphere of the place is a calm haven unlike most other bars. You notice that they only serve milk here.

      Tech level: 4
      Special Tech: 35
      Defense Dude: Dunno, just put something good here

      Waves: Yes
      Ships per wave: 10
      Total ships: 500

      Food Price: med
      Ind Price: med
      Med Price: low
      Metal Price: low
      Equip Price: none
      Luxury Price: low

      Planet Graphic: Earth-green

      Cool: 2

      Planet Desc: The land of Termina is separated into 5 parts: Woodfall, to the south; Snowhead, to the north; Great Bay, to the east; Stone Tower, in the west; and Clock Town, in the center. The spaceport is located here in Clock Town, and you see many different species of aliens milling about as you exit your ship.

      well, I hope this is good, post me if you need any more info

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by coreyblue64:
      ***Location: Lezad



    • Quote

      Originally posted by coreyblue64:
      I would like to be added to the pers list if there is one(the lone guy who occasionally hypers in like Cap'n Hector in the original). If you are accepting these, let me know.

      I posted a Person list... where is it?... Ah, here it is:


      Posted by me: **
      I'm also making persons for the flagships for the governments my plug. To make your flagship just reply to the

      following list and fill in the blanks:

      Where he can be found: (Any System, Specific System, Specific gov, ect.)
      AI: (Warship, Brave trader, ect.)
      Aggression: (Weakling, Reasonable, Bully)
      Coward: %(Retreats when shields at certain percent)
      Credits: (How much money he's carrying)
      Shield Modification: (0-60)
      Weapons: (ONLY four!)

      Comm quote: (What he says when you say "Greetings!" to him)
      Hail quote: (What he says when he hails you)

      Holds Grudge: Yes/No
      Escape pod: Yes/No
      Show hail quote only once: Yes/No
      Shows hail quote only when attacking: Yes/No**

    • Thanks, Nova6. OK here are the stats:

      Name: Corey
      Where he can be found: Any System
      AI: Warship
      Aggression: Reasonable
      Coward: %0
      Ship: Rebel Cruiser
      Credits: 999999
      Shield Modification: ?(if you can, 1-1/2 times as much as a regular one)
      Weapons: Proton Turrets, Proton Cannons

      Comm quote: Hi. Don't make me mad, or I'll make you pay.
      Hail quote: Corey forever!!! Down with the Confeds!!!

      Holds Grudge: Yes
      Escape pod: Yes
      Show hail quote only once: No
      Shows hail quote only when attacking: No

      Hope this works out...

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nova6:


      Sorry if this was confusing. Lezad is the system and Hyrule and Termina are the planets within that system. I hope that clears thing up 🙂

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by coreyblue64:
      **Sorry if this was confusing. Lezad is the system and Hyrule and Termina are the planets within that system. I hope that clears thing up:)

      You were suposed to post where their systems are on the map, not what systems they have.
